N.J. Mann wrote:
> Good morning,
> I am using portmaster v2.0 and very good it is to, except...
> This morning among the ports that needed updating following my
> over-night CVSup was security/sudo ( ->  I am using
> portmaster's new feature SU_CMD.  I am also using the new HIDE_BUILD
> feature which I really like! 

Thanks, so do I. :) That was another suggestion from a user, btw.

> All went well until the install phase,
> when portmaster could no longer find sudo.  It looks like portmaster got
> into a chicken and egg situation: it needed to uninstall sudo in order
> to complete the upgrade, but it needed to run sudo to perform the actual
> install.  Oh, dear.

I thought it went without saying that this couldn't possibly work, but
I'll update the man page in this regard.




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