In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Doug Barton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> N.J. Mann wrote:
> > All went well until the install phase,
> > when portmaster could no longer find sudo.  It looks like portmaster got
> > into a chicken and egg situation: it needed to uninstall sudo in order
> > to complete the upgrade, but it needed to run sudo to perform the actual
> > install.  Oh, dear.
> I thought it went without saying that this couldn't possibly work, but
> I'll update the man page in this regard.

I didn't really think about at the time, it was a bit early :-)  But,
once it failed it did make me think about what I had done.  I am happy
if it is documented as a caveat.  The main reason I posted to the list
was so that others who had had the same failure would know that it was
possible to recover from it easily.

I still think portmaster is a great tool!

Thanks Doug.


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