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Patrick Lamaiziere wrote:
> Le Tue, 12 Feb 2008 21:18:56 +0800,
> "Rong-en Fan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
>>> cd /usr/ports/security/amavisd-new/ && make install clean
>>> the whole installation is successfuly done without installing CURL
>>> and openldap-client. (it is expected result for me)
>>> ...or em I wrong and I must add 'security/gnupg' =>
>>> 'security/gnupg1' in to ALT_PKGDEP in pkgtools.conf?
>> Yes, according to /usr/ports/UPDATING.
> Is there a way or a tool to know the alternate dependencies ? I've got
> 720 ports installed on my box...

The alternate dependencies set in ALT_PKGDEP are only accessible to
portupgrade and friends.  For a more general solution, you can set
various variables in /etc/make.conf or via the blue and grey OPTIONS
screens -- these will have effect on anything that uses the ports system.
You can't make arbitrary substitutions in what depends on what via
/etc/make.conf -- the port needs to provide some machinery for selecting
alternative dependencies.  That stipulation does however cover most of
the popularly used software in the ports tree.

In order to see what the dependency changes are, you can't rely on the
default INDEX file as obtained by 'make fetchindex' or by use of portsnap.
Either you have to ignore the INDEX completely or you have to build your
own INDEX.  It is entirely possible to use the ports without any sort of
INDEX: portmaster (as I understand it) does exactly that, and simple 'cd
some/port ; make all install' similarly ignores anything to do with the
INDEX.  portupgrade on the other hand does make use of the INDEX.  Building
your own INDEX is easy (just type 'make index' in /usr/ports) but very time
consuming -- probably 45 minutes or so on a typical desktop box, and you'ld
need to do that every time you cvsup'd.  Or you can use my
ports-mgmt/p5-FreeBSD-Portindex tools to incrementally update your INDEX,
which is a lot faster overall.



- -- 
Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
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