On Wed, 13 Feb 2008 22:57:56 +0100
Miroslav Lachman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I was happy user of portupgrade for many years, but if all above is
> "the right way to the future", maybe it is time to give a chance for 
> portmaster or anything else.

I am not experiencing the same problems that you seem to be having.
Perhaps we could try this. Update your ports tree, and see what running
this command shows:

        pkg_version -vIL=

Then perhaps listing your /etc/make.conf file and the portupgrade
pkg_tool.conf file. Also, what command line flags are you using with
portupgrade? Perhaps, portupgrade is simply trying to update out of
date dependencies. I use portmanager from time to time, and that
discovers out of date dependencies that portupgrade failed to update.
Perhaps the new version is correctly finding and updating these files.

Just my 2ยข.



A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.

        Winston Churchill

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