Dmitry Marakasov writes:


>> Maybe we can introduce a hack in ports system like by adding some
>> variable like 'USES_DYNAMIC_PLIST=yes' in Makefile, which fill let the
>> port first installed with DESTDIR=/var/tmp/ports/${PORTNAME} and then a
>> packing list is generated and then finally whole tree is moved to
>> ${PREFIX}, hmm...? What do you say ?

> Current DESTDIR implementation uses chroot and obviously requires
> complete system installed in DESTDIR. Also installing a port will
> install all dependencies in the chroot as well.

The Debian package building system, also expects the package files in a
directory named ${packageroot}/debian/${packagename}/ which you can
install by doing 'make install DESTDIR=debian/${packagename}' in
${packageroot} directory (the directory where you've extracted the
package tarball, similar to the FreeBSD's ${WRKSRC} directory.

So, my idea is to specify "make -C ${WRKSRC} install 
in the "install" target of port's Makefile, not to be confused with
upstream package's Makefile. And I think you confused it with passing
'DESTDIR' variable to 'make' commandline to start port building

Following is an example illustrating how port is going to be installed
in the way I'm thinking:

| % sudo make -C /usr/ports/editors/emacs-cvs install
| ...checkout from CVS...
| ...configuring...
| ./configure --prefix=${LOCALBASE} <...and other configure options ...>
| ...configuration messages...
| ...compilation begins...
| make
| ...compiling the files...
| ...compilation over...
| make install DESTDIR=/var/tmp/emacs
| ...files being copied to /var/tmp/emacs directory...
| ...package list creation...
| ...package list finished...
| ...copying files into ${LOCALBASE}...
| ...end copying files...
| ...package installed successfully...

The package list can be created via he automated package-list creation
method[1] documented in porters-handbook with a 'mtree' command executed
in 'pre-install' to prepare the '/var/tmp/${PORTNAME}' prior to
installing package. And to assure safety to this procedure, ports should
be built with a separate unprivileged user 'portbuilder' whose job is
to build ports and install them in '/var/tmp/${PORTNAME}', and create a
temporary package list. And to perform the actual installation, the port
process should switch to 'root' user.

> There was proposal of another implementation that would behave as
> you describe without chroot, but it would require too much work,
> as most ports will need hacks so they install software into
> ${DESTDIR}/${PREFIX}, but the software would think that it's installed
> into ${PREFIX}. That is not even always possible, so the idea was
> dropped.

> Thus, the only reliable way to generate plist with standart tools
> is using fat chroot.

> My idea however is monitor all filesystem writes by port's make and all
> descendant processes. That may be done with monitoring or replacing
> syscalls and may be done with LD_PRELOAD or some *trace kernel
> facilities. The former is what I'm currently experimenting with.

This is also a cool way if something like this can be hacked ? How about
using truss or other syscall tracing facilities, hmm..?

Thanks for the links and replies.

[1] -

Ashish Shukla

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