On Tuesday 03 February 2009 15:05:19 Max Brazhnikov wrote:
> On Tue, 3 Feb 2009 08:31:10 +0200, David Naylor wrote:
> > On Monday 02 February 2009 12:01:10 David Naylor wrote:
> >
> > Just finished compiling on FreeBSD 7.1 and have found the following
> > problems: 1. The fonts are not being anti-aliased?  (Using default fonts
> > and "Use anti-aliasing: Enabled {with sub-pixel rendering [RGB]}).
> man fonts-conf? Never had problems with fonts, can't help here :(

I suspect this has something to do with nvidia driver.  If one changes the 
fonts to bitstream then anti-aliasing does work (but not with the default 

> >  2. Network Settings doesn't detect anything to do with FreeBSD (it
> > probably still needs to be told about FreeBSD).
> This part surely requires someone who can add support for FreeBSD.
> Btw, k...@freebsd team are seeking for developers who would like to improve
> KDE4 support for FreeBSD.

Should I file a PR for this, considering there probably isn't enough man-power 
to actually resolve it?

> >  3. ksudo does not install?
> ${KDE$_PREFIX}/lib/kde4/libexec/kdesu
> Ask kde devs why kdesu is there.

Please ignore.  It appears ksudo or kdesudo is a Kubuntu specific program (why 
haven't they pushed the changes upstream?)

> >  4. Samba config module doesn't find smb.conf by default.  It should look
> > in multiple places?
> This could be fixed easily I believe.

One the correct place in  the code is found, yes it is. See attached.  Patch 
does compile cleanly and samba config module does not find smb.conf.  
Makefile should probably be extended to change the lookup patch if 
${LOCALBASE} isn't /usr/local?  If so just

# sed -e "s|/usr/local/etc/smb.conf|${LOCALBASE}/etc/smb.conf|' 

I have also filed a PR (bug #183006) with an improved patch.  

> >  5. When I was changing desktop effects X froze. It was a once off
> > thing...

If it reappears I will file a PR.

> I'll ping Alex about the status of mysql_embedded. Meantime you can try
> ports/128757 for mysql_embedded and ports/130634 for amarok port.

I already have :-).  I had a problem with downloading the patch... But once 
that was done amarok2 installed fine :-)

The only app now that is really missing is k3b.  Grrr... :-(



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