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I'm busy trying to use portmanager to get me to kde4.2, but I'm having problem
in updating my misc/localedata port.  Portmanager has decided misc/localedata
needs to get rebuilt, and for some reason, that it needs to patch my
/usr/ports/Mk/bsd.port/mk file with the patchfile
/usr/local/share/portmanager/patch-bsd.port.mk-0.3.6.  I can't figure out why
portmanager thinks that misc/localedata needs updating, but I much much worse,
can't figure out why it needs to patch my /usr/ports/Mk/bsd.port/mk file.  I
checked the patchfile I listed above, the patch seems fine BUT it's off in terms
of line number, it wants to patch around the line 2049, but in searching my
bsd.port.mk, it should really be looking to patch about line 2347.  I could go
about fixing this, but seeing as I don't know why it's patching things to begin
with, I feel really unsafe in changing the patchfile.

I did make sure that the patchfile was totally up-to-date, and that my
bsd.port.mk is also up-to-date.

Here's the portmanager listing, maybe someone here can tell me what's causing
portmanager to want to patch my bsd.port.mk, and why the patchfile should be so
far off, and what might be the CORRECT way to fix this.  Oh, BTW, I run current,
and keep myself that way via cvsup.

If you tell me I should just fix the patchfile, I know how to do that, I just
feel uneasy when I have no idea of the context involved.  I think this exact
same probolme is actually (probably) occurring in several other points in my
kde4.2 build, so I really need to understand the reason it's trying to patch to
begin with, and why things are out of sync.

+++++++++++ FROM the portmanager listing +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
TCSH-april:root:/usr/ports/lang:#44-19:26>portmanager misc/localedata -f -l
MGPMrController 0.4.1_9 info: running in forced update mode
rCreateInstalledDbVerifyContentsFile 0.4.1_9 error: "@name" not found in
                convertall-0.4.0 installation is corrupt!
                recomend running "pkg_delete -f convertall-0.4.0" then manually
reinstalling this port
rCreateInstalledDbVerifyContentsFile 0.4.1_9 error: "@name" not found in
                convertall-0.4.0 installation is corrupt!
                recomend running "pkg_delete -f convertall-0.4.0" then manually
reinstalling this port
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
portmanager 0.4.1_9: Collecting installed port data "forced mode"
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -0001 localedata-5.4 /misc/localedata
rCreateInstalledDbVerifyContentsFile 0.4.1_9 error: "@name" not found in
                convertall-0.4.0 installation is corrupt!
                recomend running "pkg_delete -f convertall-0.4.0" then manually
reinstalling this port
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Port Status Report "forced mode"
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
00001 ----:localedata-5.4                      /misc/localedata
updating localedata-5.4 /misc/localedata  options  reason: MISSING
localedata-5.4 /misc/localedata
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
percentDone-=>0 = 100 - ( 100 * ( oldPortsDbQTY-=>1 / oldPortsDbTOTALIZER-=>1 ) 
patching bsd.port.mk-=>cd /usr/ports/Mk; patch <
Hmm...  Looks like a unified diff to me...
The text leading up to this was:
- --------------------------
|--- /usr/ports/Mk/bsd.port.mk  Tue Nov  8 01:02:51 2005
|+++ bsd.port.mk        Wed Nov 16 02:16:57 2005
- --------------------------
Patching file bsd.port.mk using Plan A...
Hunk #1 failed at 2049.
1 out of 1 hunks failed--saving rejects to bsd.port.mk.rej
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
MGPMrUpdate 0.4.1_9 command: #1 of 14  cd /usr/ports/misc/localedata && make -V
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
checking for conflicts before building localedata-5.4
MGPMrUpdate 0.4.1_9 command: #3 of 14  cd /usr/ports/misc/localedata && make
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
intitial clean of work directories
MGPMrUpdate 0.4.1_9 command: #7 of 14:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

After this point, the stuff above repeats 2 more times, until it announces that
it's failed 3 times, and quitting.  No additional info, no idea why it's doing
that patching to begin with.
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