On Mon, 2009-03-09 at 22:24 -0400, Chuck Robey wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Robert Noland wrote:
> > On Mon, 2009-03-09 at 21:00 -0400, Chuck Robey wrote:
> > RW wrote:
> >>>> On Sun, 08 Mar 2009 14:40:08 -0400
> >>>> Chuck Robey <chu...@telenix.org> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> Here's the portmanager listing, maybe someone here can tell me what's
> >>>>> causing portmanager to want to patch my bsd.port.mk, and why the
> >>>>> patchfile should be so far off, and what might be the CORRECT way to
> >>>>> fix this.  Oh, BTW, I run current, and keep myself that way via cvsup.
> >>>> IIRC the patch was made so that when portmanager built a port, the
> >>>> makefile would call back into  portmanager to let it modify the
> >>>> dependencies. Portmanager had a major rewrite just before the  original
> >>>> author had a row with some FreeBSD people and abandoned the project.
> >>>> AFAIK the feature wasn't yet used, so it doesn't matter if the patch
> >>>> doesn't apply since it's a null operation.
> > Ahh, I didn't realize that portmanager was moribund.  OK, I can figure out 
> > what
> > to do from here, then, thanks.  I might not like the method being used by
> > portmanager very much, but it's not worth complaining about a dead port.  
> > Too
> > many other choices, aren't there?
> > 
> >> It's not exactly dead... I keep it running, because it is still the best
> >> available option.
> Just before sending my mail, I took a look at the cvs log, last entry is from
> more than 6 months ago, unless something is somehow fubared with my archive.  
> If
> it sits unchanged for so long, I interpreted that as being dead, I wasn't 
> trying
> to be insulting, maybe I made an incorrect assumption.

It wouldn't hurt it to have some love, but my other work keeps me busy.
I've had ideas of things I would like to fix or extend, but not gotten
around to it.  So, no offense taken, it mostly just works for my


> The patch I saw in the bsd.port.mk was there in order to add in a couple of
> Makefile variables, and that just seems a really odd method to use for that
> purpose.  I don't honestly know how portmanager works, so I couldn't give any
> meaningful criticism, it just seemed so odd that I couldn't figure out the 
> goal
> behind it.
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Robert Noland <rnol...@freebsd.org>

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