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Robert Noland wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-03-31 at 22:36 -0400, Chuck Robey wrote:
> I recently got kde4.2 working on my home box, and all the neat eye candy 
> things
> that are added, I'll have to see, maybe you're right, XFree86 might not work
> with KDE, but saying that XFree86 hasn't had an update since December makes no
> sense to me, versus the fact that I *think* git allows no release tags, so I
> think one could argue that there are no Xorg releases at all.  That, or I 
> don't
> know git well enough, either is possible.  If there are tags in git, I will go
> back and reread the git docs until I find them.
>> git has tags and branches, all of which can be checked out from fd.o.
>> AFAIK, things aren't tagged for "Xorg releases", but all of the packages
>> carry tags and some have release branches.

I was hoping I would get an answer on this.  It is indeed a feature of git, or
has it been grafted on by convention?  If git's got it, I'll drop this
particular topic, and try to find the command I must have missed.  If those
features are done by convention, I guessed I was relying on the git man pages,
and just didn't look hard enough at the web pages for Xorg to spot the info.
I've been a bit critical of git in my mind, and need to get myself either
justified or corrected.

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