Quoting Warren Block <wbl...@wonkity.com>:

On Tue, 9 Feb 2010, Warren Block wrote:
That looks to me like KDE trying to switch to a particular resolution and failing. Check the resolution setting in the xorg.conf Screen section. The easiest is just to set Virtual to the largest resolution your monitor can handle:

Section "Screen"
      Identifier "Screen0"
      Device     "Card0"
      Monitor    "Monitor0"
      SubSection "Display"
              Virtual 1920 1200

What I should have suggested trying first was to remove the Display SubSection and letting xorg autodetect the monitor resolution:

Section "Screen"
       Identifier "Screen0"
       Device     "Card0"
       Monitor    "Monitor0"
#      SubSection "Display"
#              Virtual 1920 1200
#      EndSubSection

I commented it out but no cigar :( This is my laptop so I moved /root to /root.org and mkdir /root and tried just in case there was something in one of the configuration files. No luck.

KDE seems to finish the Aconadi Server Self tests and hangs. I have to ^C from the term window. I am now writing this from vtwm that is interesting and usable. It works fine but does have a black screen that I would have expected to be gray like twm but . . . . who knows.

I really feel that xorg is working without problems (thanks to you) and that there is something wrong with my kde4 install. Any opinions?

Thanks again Warren,


-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA

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