On Thu, 27 May 2010 05:56:11 +1000
Peter Jeremy <peterjer...@acm.org> articulated:

> >There's one tool which I would like to see brought into the Ports
> >system and that's Network Manager
> >(http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Tools/NetworkManager)
> >
> >It's the only networking tool I've found so far which will properly
> >handle my Novatel mobile modem and I would really like to be able to
> >make use of the modem while running FreeBSD.
> That makes you the first person I've run into with anything positive
> to say about NetworkMangler.

I inquired about it a month or so ago. Other posters replied favorable
regarding it. However, since there is a dearth of drivers for any of the
newer chip sets that support the 'N' wireless protocol, it might well
be of limited usefulness.


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        Erik Naggum

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