Matthias Andree <> wrote:

> So either Kostik, or you, or someone else steps up to maintain the port
> at least to the extent that the known security bugs and reported bugs
> get fixed, or to hell the port goes.

Recent un-professional threats to throw out ports at un-necessarily
short notice, with half baked assessments based on flakey challenged
send-prs (viz eg all of procmail diskcheckd & cfs) have been divisive,
un-professional, & get FreeBSD a bad name.

The clumsy short notice threats to delete were not
stopped by senior ports/ colleagues, so they're part culpable
        (= to blame (nod to plain English request on another thread :-)).

Probably other people are afraid to criticise the ports masters
especially when a ports leader accused an innocent of whining,
when he (Mikhail) was just observing tech merits.

FreeBSD ports is not the personal toy of the leadership, but
held in trust on behalf of those who send in code & fixes. 
Mature professionalism & peer control is required.  Time heads[s] rolled.

Julian Stacey, BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultants Munich
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