Matthias Andree wrote:

> Am 08.09.2011 13:52, schrieb Matt Burke:

> > I want machines, tools, to do as *I* say not the other way round, whether
> > it's good for me or not. If I wanted nannying and interference, I'd install
> > Ubuntu.
> No, you'd use a managed installation.  Nobody stands there pointing a
> gun at your head and forces you to uninstall a port that got removed
> from the ports/ tree.  If people could recognize that, it might help get
> the derailed discussion back on the right track.

Recent butchery degrading ports/ has been unprofessional.  Denying
users are best to decide for themselves in light of their own circustance,
is not acceptable.  FreeBSD is for skilled Users not the clueless.
Commit bit[s] should be revoked before FreeBSD incures more damage.

Julian Stacey, BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultants Munich
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