On Thu, 08 Sep 2011 18:54:36 +0200
Matthias Andree <mand...@freebsd.org> wrote:

> Am 08.09.2011 13:52, schrieb Matt Burke:
> > I want machines, tools, to do as *I* say not the other way round,
> > whether it's good for me or not. If I wanted nannying and
> > interference, I'd install Ubuntu.
> No, you'd use a managed installation.  Nobody stands there pointing a
> gun at your head and forces you to uninstall a port that got removed
> from the ports/ tree.  If people could recognize that, it might help
> get the derailed discussion back on the right track.

You fail to take into account the case where a port may need to be
reinstalled.  An extraordinary effort is required if the port no longer
exists in the ports tree.

Frankly, I'm growing increasingly concerned that this push to
eliminate ports is getting out of control.  I don't much care for the
notion that, having invested the time in installing, configuring and
tuning a certain set of software packages, suddenly the rug could be
pulled out from under me, so to speak, in essence *forcing* me to
abandon using certain packages or else deal with maintaining them (in
the ports maintainer sense) on my own.

It feels like this latest ports collection cleanup effort most likely
started with the best intentions, but is now fast becoming a runaway
locomotive.  Please, can we try to maintain the sanity and restraint
that FreeBSD has always been known for?

Conrad J. Sabatier
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