Am 13.09.2011 11:10, schrieb Michal Varga:
> On Mon, 2011-09-12 at 18:46 -0500, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
>>> I found Michal Varga's critique snarky and unnecessarily sarcastic...
>> I agree that it was unnecessarily sarcastic.  We all make mistakes from 
>> time to time.  Michal could have pointed out the mistake and still been 
>> nice about it.  I know for myself that when I make a mistake like this 
>> that I feel bad enough as it is, and I don't need anyone rubbing it in.
>> Stephen
> Honestly, I wasn't trying to pick on Gabor any specifically, because as
> you say, mistakes can happen.
> But the sad part of the story is that we're in 2011 and these kinds of
> mistakes still happen, over and over, till absurdity. And not just
> "still", they grow by magnitudes which now feels like from month to
> month, from week to week (and I'm not going to be experiencing this here
> when it finally hits the "days" scale, followed by an implosion of the
> Universe).
> I'm not writing about this for the first time (in fact this is for the
> last time, so hey, at least there's something on a positive note), but
> it has gradually become nigh impossible to use FreeBSD as a modern
> desktop workstation over the recent years, and especially this last year
> has become a true nightmare.
> It would be pointless to simply repeat what I already said in those
> previous discussions about the current - and very poor - ports quality
> (or more specifically, total lack of quality control procedures), and it
> would just get ignored again anyway (pretty good pointer being that at
> about the same time as the last such thread spawned, just some random
> bikeshedding discussion about a proper use of academic english in ports
> or whatever pointless crap generated ten-times the same content over
> like, 5 minutes tops. Because it's good to have some priorities
> straight.)
> And if it wasn't Gabor's commit that again brought my OS down to
> unusable level, it would be the one next week, or if we are lucky, two
> to three weeks from now (but that would be probably this year's record).
> Because the current procedures in place not only encourage these kinds
> of mistakes, they downright call for them. Because there are no
> procedures whatsoever. Not in the ecosystem-wide sense. Not the ones
> that are crucial to make the OS actually work as a whole. But hey, I'm
> not going to reiterate all that over again. It's been said.
> Just that before someone tells me again that I should not upgrade my
> ports so frequently, or that I should make (shlib, or any other) backups
> before any and every update (how is it that after a decade with ports
> such novel idea didn't even cross my mind?), or that I should keep
> sending patches every time my system is down again (because that's
> obviously the most perfect time to start checking if the update actually
> works), or that I should just go install PC-BSD...
> ...seriously guys?
> Every time I visit my favorite restaurant, I should probably wait for a
> few hours too, quietly watching if someone didn't die of food poisoning
> before I finally order for myself, or that I should dig some old food
> from the fridge and just bring it over as a backup, or heck, just leave
> it be and simply order a pizza. Right? Are there still any more useful
> suggestions this time? If so, please, don't make them. Just don't.
> So there's just one more thing I will add and I'm done with it all
> (after all, I have some desktop migrations ahead of me and those penguin
> boxes still won't plan and install themselves, even in 2011):
> On Tue, 2011-09-13 at 01:01 +0200, Gabor Kovesdan wrote:
>> Btw, from your long mail I see you have lots of free time. You should 
>> think of spending that better than writing such long mails. Think about 
>> being a FreeBSD volunteer. ;)
> Yes, only if I wasn't spending all my free time constantly fixing new
> breakages from latest port upgrades. I can easily see why so many people
> think that the whole situation is actually pretty funny, or on the
> opposite, that no 'situation' with ports even exists at all. Picking
> just randomly here:
>  ##  From: Gabor Kovesdan <>
>  ##  Mailer: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:9.0a1)
>  ##  From: Stephen Montgomery-Smith <>
>  ##  Mailer: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:
> [and watching this on a full-list scale is truly a sight to behold]
> Sadly, as an actual FreeBSD desktop user, I don't have the luxury to
> just keep politely filing PRs over and over or compile packs of patches
> every time a new untested port breaks everything, because by the time
> I'm done fixing all the failures (or more probably, still looking for
> some ways on how to resolve the remaining ones), my day is long over,
> and I sometimes need to even use those FreeBSD boxes as they were meant
> to be in the first place.

I beg to cast a different vote here.

I can say that, thanks to tools like portmaster and better documentation
(of course anything can still improve), the overall experience is that
as a desktop it is quite usable as far as ports are concerned these
days, and I feel it has improved a lot.

There have been regressions, like Skype not working on 8.2 unless you
happen to have a Skype 2.0 tarball around, and there were a few weeks
where you'd need to use a supported older Firefox release series if you
wanted it to run the Java plugin, but by and large the experience is
quite different, and better, from the days when I was running 5.X or 6.X.
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