On 13.02.2012 09:48, Bleakwiser wrote:
I was able to find some better information on the patch command through
wikipeida, their article on it is really great.

However I'm still not clear on what files I'm supposed to download to be running the patch on. I've dug around inside the .diff file with pico a bit and it's rather cryptic. Lots of things are commented (I assume by +) and I was also able to find some relevant man pages on 'patch' as opposed to 'man
diff' i was using earlier.

The correct command would be 'patch -p1 < hadoop-1.0.0.diff' not just
'patch -p1' w/o any other arguments, which tells the patch program to use
the directory structure inside the .diff file. But perhaps piping the
output of 'fetch' handles that all for me?

However, we are getting way ahead of ourselves here and the same thing can be accomplished with different syntax. W/o having the correct software apply the patch to there isn't much sense in running the command at all anyway. Since I'm not familiar with the rather cryptic contents of .diff files I've wasted a good half hour just looking through it's contents for some clue as to exactly what I need to be downloading. Of course there is always the try and fail technique, where I would just simply try each tbz off the site and try and fail until it worked... for some reason I never
liked that method.

Thanks and again. I am defiantly not eleete enough to be helping test this port so I'll leave it to those informed already on the list. I wouldn't want to continue to waste anyone's time w/ trivial questions much less
waste hours and hours of my own time looking up syntax for nitche CLI
utilities so take care and good luck with the port. It's defiantly a
'killer app' so for BSD's sake I hope you folks get it.

And as promiced, the /facepalm of failure...

There are at least 2 more ways to get hadoop. Clement has an redports.org
account and is working on hadoop there. So you could just checkout his
svn tree and get the latest port:

1) just fetch his redports.org repository compressed as tar.bz2:

fetch http://redports.org/~clement/svn.tar.bz2
tar xvf svn.tar.bz2

2) you need devel/subversion installed for that

svn co https://svn.redports.org/clement/

Now you need to manually add the hadoop lines in GIDs/UIDs to your
/usr/ports/GIDs|UIDs files as well as copying over the devel/hadoop
directory to /usr/ports.

Bernhard Froehlich
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