Well, the poster ^^ was right. The UIDs and GIDs need to be set manually.

I'm wanting to do this proper... I'm guessing I need to create a user
hadoop, get it's UID and GID then add it to /usr/ports/UIDs /usr/ports/GIDs

I'm guessing the best way to find out what users I need to create is
documented on the hadoop.apache.org site?

On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 8:00 AM, Trae Barlow <traebar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> SVN worked like a charm. I didn't have devel/hadoop initally I guess
> because I'm running using 9.0 amd_64?
> I just ran portsnap fetch too, so the port tree was 100% up to date
> (unless change were made in the last 5 minutes) so that was a non issue.
> https://svn.redports.org/clement/devel/hadoop/
> was the repo that I used and I followed the otherwise unrelated guide on
> how to use Subversion here....
> http://developer.berlios.de/docman/display_doc.php?docid=394&group_id=2#checkhttps
> I'm installing on a clean environment (only portmaster, diablo-jdk16,
> wget, and subversion installed in that order).
> We'll see how things go. I'm glad you folks hadn't given up on me as it
> appears we have found the source of the issue (port tree missing from 9.0?).
> On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 3:27 AM, Bernhard Froehlich-2 [via FreeBSD] <
> ml-node+s1045724n5478581...@n5.nabble.com> wrote:
>> On 13.02.2012 09:48, Bleakwiser wrote:
>> > I was able to find some better information on the patch command
>> > through
>> > wikipeida, their article on it is really great.
>> >
>> > However I'm still not clear on what files I'm supposed to download to
>> > be
>> > running the patch on. I've dug around inside the .diff file with pico
>> > a bit
>> > and it's rather cryptic. Lots of things are commented (I assume by +)
>> > and I
>> > was also able to find some relevant man pages on 'patch' as opposed
>> > to 'man
>> > diff' i was using earlier.
>> >
>> > The correct command would be 'patch -p1 < hadoop-1.0.0.diff' not just
>> > 'patch -p1' w/o any other arguments, which tells the patch program to
>> > use
>> > the directory structure inside the .diff file. But perhaps piping the
>> > output of 'fetch' handles that all for me?
>> >
>> > However, we are getting way ahead of ourselves here and the same
>> > thing can
>> > be accomplished with different syntax. W/o having the correct
>> > software
>> > apply the patch to there isn't much sense in running the command at
>> > all
>> > anyway. Since I'm not familiar with the rather cryptic contents of
>> > .diff
>> > files I've wasted a good half hour just looking through it's contents
>> > for
>> > some clue as to exactly what I need to be downloading. Of course
>> > there is
>> > always the try and fail technique, where I would just simply try each
>> > tbz
>> > off the site and try and fail until it worked... for some reason I
>> > never
>> > liked that method.
>> >
>> > Thanks and again. I am defiantly not eleete enough to be helping test
>> > this
>> > port so I'll leave it to those informed already on the list. I
>> > wouldn't
>> > want to continue to waste anyone's time w/ trivial questions much
>> > less
>> > waste hours and hours of my own time looking up syntax for nitche CLI
>> > utilities so take care and good luck with the port. It's defiantly a
>> > 'killer app' so for BSD's sake I hope you folks get it.
>> >
>> > And as promiced, the /facepalm of failure...
>> > /facepalm
>> There are at least 2 more ways to get hadoop. Clement has an
>> redports.org
>> account and is working on hadoop there. So you could just checkout his
>> svn tree and get the latest port:
>> 1) just fetch his redports.org repository compressed as tar.bz2:
>> fetch http://redports.org/~clement/svn.tar.bz2
>> tar xvf svn.tar.bz2
>> 2) you need devel/subversion installed for that
>> svn co https://svn.redports.org/clement/
>> Now you need to manually add the hadoop lines in GIDs/UIDs to your
>> /usr/ports/GIDs|UIDs files as well as copying over the devel/hadoop
>> directory to /usr/ports.
>> --
>> Bernhard Froehlich
>> http://www.bluelife.at/
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> Trae Barlow

Trae Barlow

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