On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 04:18:25PM -0800, Ade Lovett wrote:
> On 2/23/2012 13:14, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
> > Another solution could be to add an entry (and drop it in deinstallation to
> > libmap.conf) when installing the nvidia driver, in that case installing it 
> > ad
> > libGL-nvidia.so.1 and adding:
> >
> > libGL.so.1 libGL-nvidia.so.1
> >
> > or something like that.
> Going that route is likely to be messy given the current monolithic 
> /etc/libmap{,32}.conf
> You'd most likely want ${LOCALBASE}/etc/libmap.conf.d/* (in a similar 
> manner to etc/periodic, etc/rc.d and so on).  Whether the code that 
> currently handles libmap.conf is itself extended to use this directory 
> structure is open for discussion.  An alternate method could perhaps be 
> a 'genlibmap' command which takes /etc/libmap.conf and this directory 
> structure to create a /var/run/libmap.conf which is actually used by rtld.
> Having potentially multiple ports dinking _directly_ with 
> /etc/libmap.conf will result in considerable foot shooting.
> -aDe

I agree with that, currently we can have LIBMAP env variable to append antoher
libmap.conf file to the /etc/libmap.conf,

So we have two option, convert the LIBMAP variable to a PATH-like variable,
(don't like this very much) or add an "includedir" keyword to libmap.conf then
the code will go thought the includedir and parse all the .conf files available
in that directory.

the second seems pretty easy, I'll write a PoC for it as soon as I can


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