On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 04:18:25PM -0800, Ade Lovett wrote:
> On 2/23/2012 13:14, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
> > Another solution could be to add an entry (and drop it in deinstallation to
> > libmap.conf) when installing the nvidia driver, in that case installing it 
> > ad
> > libGL-nvidia.so.1 and adding:
> >
> > libGL.so.1 libGL-nvidia.so.1
> >
> > or something like that.
> Going that route is likely to be messy given the current monolithic 
> /etc/libmap{,32}.conf
> You'd most likely want ${LOCALBASE}/etc/libmap.conf.d/* (in a similar 
> manner to etc/periodic, etc/rc.d and so on).  Whether the code that 
> currently handles libmap.conf is itself extended to use this directory 
> structure is open for discussion.  An alternate method could perhaps be 
> a 'genlibmap' command which takes /etc/libmap.conf and this directory 
> structure to create a /var/run/libmap.conf which is actually used by rtld.
> Having potentially multiple ports dinking _directly_ with 
> /etc/libmap.conf will result in considerable foot shooting.
> -aDe

Here is a patch to add support for includedir keyword to libmap.conf so that we
can add:
includedir /usr/local/etc/libmap.d
into libmap.conf and then nvidia driver could add a
libGL.so.1 libGL-nvidia.so.1


Any remarks?


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