On 14 Apr 2012 14:57, "Michael Scheidell" <scheid...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> just doublechecking so I don't muck up cvs:
> repocopy.
> ircd-ratbox-devel is at 3.0.7 (the official release now)
> maintainer has asked for a repocopy.
> I have assigned the pr to portmgr, with state of 'open' (should it have
been feedback?)
> once repocopy is done and assigned back to me, I do a cvs rm on
irc/ircd-ratbox on my local box, then cp the -devel directory over to
> (including the CVS files?:
> rsync -av --delete irc/ircd-ratbox-devel/ irc/ircd-ratbox/
> or without?
> rsync -avC --delete irc/ircd-ratbox-devel/ irc/ircd-ratbox/
> then I make a MOVED entry? or not?
> and depending on if the maintainer wants to keep -devel or remove it, I
cvs rm those files and edit ./irc/Makefile to remove -devel as well, right?
> all atomically so that pointyhat doesn't choke?  INDEX build doesn't
choke? or temporarly edit ./irc/Makefile to keep INDEX from building or not?
> set MFC days? or is that mostly for source code?

No repocopy required or permitted;  if ircd-ratbox exists then a repocopy
over it will lose history.

Grab the PR back and just commit the new files in place.

By the way, 'state' should be 'repocopy'.

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