On 14/04/2012 15:51, Chris Rees wrote:

On 14 Apr 2012 14:57, "Michael Scheidell" <scheid...@freebsd.org <mailto:scheid...@freebsd.org>> wrote:
> just doublechecking so I don't muck up cvs:
> repocopy.
> ircd-ratbox-devel is at 3.0.7 (the official release now)
> maintainer has asked for a repocopy.
> I have assigned the pr to portmgr, with state of 'open' (should it have been feedback?)
> once repocopy is done and assigned back to me, I do a cvs rm on irc/ircd-ratbox on my local box, then cp the -devel directory over to original.
> (including the CVS files?:
> rsync -av --delete irc/ircd-ratbox-devel/ irc/ircd-ratbox/
> or without?
> rsync -avC --delete irc/ircd-ratbox-devel/ irc/ircd-ratbox/
> then I make a MOVED entry? or not?
> and depending on if the maintainer wants to keep -devel or remove it, I cvs rm those files and edit ./irc/Makefile to remove -devel as well, right?
> all atomically so that pointyhat doesn't choke? INDEX build doesn't choke? or temporarly edit ./irc/Makefile to keep INDEX from building or not?
> set MFC days? or is that mostly for source code?

No repocopy required or permitted; if ircd-ratbox exists then a repocopy over it will lose history.

Grab the PR back and just commit the new files in place.

By the way, 'state' should be 'repocopy'.


Sorry, I used bad terminology... At the time I thought repocopy was a euphemism for "updating or syncing one port's current files with another", but have come to understand that it is certainly not. I definitely don't wish for the ports to be repocopied, sorry for the confusion!

To clarify; the "-devel" release of ircd-ratbox is now considered stable, meaning there is currently no development version available.

I've updated irc/ircd-ratbox-devel to the most recent release and meant to ask if the two ports could please be synchronised, such that the deprecated (old "stable") version of the port is updated to the current release branch (by copying irc/ircd-ratbox-devel files over irc/ircd-ratbox and then applying the supplied patch).

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