On 07/19/2012 12:47, Jung-uk Kim wrote:
> On 2012-07-19 15:32:56 -0400, Doug Barton wrote:
>> On 07/19/2012 12:17, Dimitry Andric wrote:
>>> On 2012-07-19 21:06, Robert Huff wrote: ...
>>>> Let me be clear: There is at least one person out there who has
>>>> successfully built LibreOffice 3.5.5 using (system) clang 3.2?
>>> The version of clang in base is 3.1.  I have successfully
>>> compiled LibreOffice with it, and it even seemed to run OK,
>>> though I didn't test it very thoroughly.  There were several
>>> other posters which confirmed the same.
>> ... including me.
>>> Apparently in r301038, jkim updated the libreoffice port to use
>>> the lang/clang-devel port instead, which is built from a very
>>> recent 3.2 snapshot.  I have no idea if LO compiles successfully
>>> with that.  Maybe you found a problem with the clang-devel port.
>>> :)
>> I'm currently building on 8-stable with clang-devel, so we'll see
>> how that goes.
> Please don't bother.  I *know* it is broken there.

Well I don't mind letting the disks spin in the background. :)  It did
finish building, and the resulting binaries start up, but after opening
some documents they crashed. It seems that the presentation module is
the culprit. So far the write module seems stable. I can open new
documents with all of the modules, it was loading a presentation and
trying to get it into slide show mode that caused the crash.

I also got this on the command line in case it helps.

javaPathHelper: not found

This is on 8-stable i386, r238128 FWIW. The OPTIONS I have enabled:

     GTK2=on: GTK2 gui toolkit support
     JAVA=on: Add java support (XML Filters, macros)
     SVG=on: SVG image support
     WEBDAV=on: Enable webdav protocol

The version built on HEAD, amd64, with the base clang seems to be more
stable, but I admit I haven't thoroughly tested it.

>From what I can tell there is a test suite that comes with LO, does this
get run prior to publishing updates to the port? It would probably be a
good step to add if not.

>> Even if lang/clang needed to be upgraded at every new LO release
>> (as it would have this time) tools like portmaster can handle that
>> upgrade "in line" without any intervention from the user. The
>> procedure above requires at least 2 manual steps that cannot be
>> automated.
> I admit that it was my mistake and assumed clang-devel would be good
> enough for LibreOffice on 7 & 8.  Sorry for that.  Working on fixing it.

I'll repeat here what I said in private e-mail ... I genuinely
appreciate the hard work that you folks are doing on this. An office
suite is an essential component of a robust desktop solution, so this is
critical work, and I'm glad that some very smart people are working on
it. :)

To the extent that any mistakes have been made, we simply need to learn
from them and move on. My intent is not to cast aspersions on anyone's
character or abilities, nor should my mail be read that way. If we're
not continuously analyzing and improving our processes we will certainly
grow stale and die, and I don't want to see that happen.

So again, thank you for working on this, and I hope that this report is



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