On 21 July 2012 17:40, Robert Backhaus <rob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In my case, the arts upgrade had installed qt3 (!), an libreoffice was
> linking against it. I 'pkg_delete -f'd it, and the build seems to be
> running fine now, although time will tell.

That's a success for me. Without qt33 it builds and installs cleanly.
Now to find out how to get arts, which is required by all of current KDE,
from breaking things by installing that ancient qt!

>I will have to find out
> why, as it has happened before. So check whether qt3 is on your
> system, and, if so, nuke it.
> To get the actual error messages, follow the steps at the end of the
> failed build - these ones (the directories change, depending on the
> failure and your build setup.):
> /usr/local/bin/bash
> cd /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
> source ./Env.Host.sh
> cd odk
> rm -Rf 
> /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
> # optional module 'clean'
> build
> If you do not, the build is attempted in a parallel mode, and the
> error messages are hidden.
> On 21 July 2012 17:13, Joerg Surmann <joerg_surm...@snafu.de> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA256
>> when i build libreoffice without the kde option:
>>  internal build errors:
>> ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making
>> /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>> Am 21.07.2012 08:05, schrieb Joerg Surmann:
>>> Yes i use the KDE option.
>>> 9.0p3 amd64.
>>> ..........................
>>> 12 errors generated.
>>> gmake[2]: ***
>>> [/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-]
>>> Fehler 1
>>> dmake: Error code 2, while making 'all'
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/text/txtftne
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/text/txtimp
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/text/txtimppr
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/text/txtlists
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/text/txtparae
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/text/txtparai
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/text/txtprhdl
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/text/txtprmap
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/text/txtsecte
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/text/txtstyle
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/text/txtstyli
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/text/txtvfldi
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/xforms/SchemaContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/xforms/SchemaRestrictionContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/xforms/SchemaSimpleTypeContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/xforms/TokenContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/xforms/XFormsBindContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/xforms/XFormsInstanceContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/xforms/XFormsModelContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/xforms/XFormsSubmissionContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/xforms/xformsapi
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/xforms/xformsexport
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/xforms/xformsimport
>>> [ build LNK ] Library/libxolo.so
>>> clang++: warning: argument unused during compilation:
>>> '-rpath=/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib'
>>> [ build CMP ] xmloff/util/xo
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/ChartOASISTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/ChartOOoTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/ChartPlotAreaOASISTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/ChartPlotAreaOOoTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/ControlOASISTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/ControlOOoTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/CreateElemTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/DeepTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/DlgOASISTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/DocumentTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/EventMap
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/EventOASISTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/EventOOoTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/FlatTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/FormPropOASISTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/FormPropOOoTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/FrameOASISTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/FrameOOoTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/IgnoreTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/MergeElemTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/MetaTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/MutableAttrList
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/NotesTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/OOo2Oasis
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/Oasis2OOo
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/PersAttrListTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/PersMixedContentTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/ProcAddAttrTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/ProcAttrTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/PropertyActionsOASIS
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/PropertyActionsOOo
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/RenameElemTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/StyleOASISTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/StyleOOoTContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/TransformerActions
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/TransformerBase
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/TransformerContext
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/TransformerTokenMap
>>> [ build CXX ] xmloff/source/transform/XMLFilterRegistration
>>> [ build LNK ] Library/libxoflo.so
>>> clang++: warning: argument unused during compilation:
>>> '-rpath=/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib'
>>> [ build CMP ] xmloff/source/transform/xof
>>> [ build PKG ] xmloff_dtd
>>> [ build MOD ] xmloff
>>> [ build ALL ] top level modules: bootstrap src.downloaded xmloff
>>> [ build ALL ] loaded modules: xmloff
>>> [ build CHK ] xmloff
>>> [ build CHK ] loaded modules: xmloff
>>> xmloff deliver
>>> Module 'xmloff' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 0 files unchanged
>>> =============
>>> (96/118) Building module linguistic
>>> =============
>>> Entering
>>> /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> [ build PKG ] linguistic_inc
>>> [ build CXX ] linguistic/source/convdic
>>> [ build CXX ] linguistic/source/convdiclist
>>> [ build CXX ] linguistic/source/convdicxml
>>> [ build CXX ] linguistic/source/dicimp
>>> [ build CXX ] linguistic/source/dlistimp
>>> [ build CXX ] linguistic/source/gciterator
>>> [ build CXX ] linguistic/source/hhconvdic
>>> [ build CXX ] linguistic/source/hyphdsp
>>> [ build CXX ] linguistic/source/hyphdta
>>> [ build CXX ] linguistic/source/iprcache
>>> [ build CXX ] linguistic/source/lngopt
>>> [ build CXX ] linguistic/source/lngprophelp
>>> [ build CXX ] linguistic/source/lngreg
>>> [ build CXX ] linguistic/source/lngsvcmgr
>>> [ build CXX ] linguistic/source/misc
>>> [ build CXX ] linguistic/source/misc2
>>> [ build CXX ] linguistic/source/spelldsp
>>> [ build CXX ] linguistic/source/spelldta
>>> [ build CXX ] linguistic/source/thesdsp
>>> [ build LNK ] Library/liblnglo.so
>>> clang++: warning: argument unused during compilation:
>>> '-rpath=/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib'
>>> [ build CMP ] linguistic/source/lng
>>> [ build MOD ] linguistic
>>> [ build ALL ] top level modules: bootstrap src.downloaded linguistic
>>> [ build ALL ] loaded modules: linguistic
>>> [ build CHK ] linguistic
>>> [ build CHK ] loaded modules: linguistic
>>> linguistic deliver
>>> Module 'linguistic' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 0 files
>>> unchanged
>>> =============
>>> (97/118) Building module lingucomponent
>>> =============
>>> Entering
>>> /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> Entering
>>> /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> Compiling: lingucomponent/source/lingutil/lingutil.cxx
>>> Making: libulingu.lib
>>> Making: libulingu.a
>>> ar: warning: creating ../../unxfbsd.pro/lib/libulingu.a
>>> Entering
>>> /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> Entering
>>> /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> Entering
>>> /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> Entering
>>> /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> Entering
>>> /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> Nothing to build for GUIBASE=unx
>>> Compiling: lingucomponent/unxfbsd.pro/misc/hyphen_dflt_version.c
>>> Compiling: lingucomponent/unxfbsd.pro/misc/spell_dflt_version.c
>>> Compiling: lingucomponent/unxfbsd.pro/misc/guesslang_dflt_version.c
>>> Compiling: lingucomponent/unxfbsd.pro/misc/lnth_dflt_version.c
>>> Compiling: lingucomponent/source/languageguessing/altstrfunc.cxx
>>> Compiling: lingucomponent/source/hyphenator/altlinuxhyph/hyphen/hreg.cxx
>>> Compiling: lingucomponent/source/languageguessing/guess.cxx
>>> Compiling: lingucomponent/source/thesaurus/libnth/nthesdta.cxx
>>> Compiling:
>>> lingucomponent/source/hyphenator/altlinuxhyph/hyphen/hyphenimp.cxx
>>> Compiling: lingucomponent/source/languageguessing/guesslang.cxx
>>> Compiling: lingucomponent/source/thesaurus/libnth/ntreg.cxx
>>> Compiling: lingucomponent/source/languageguessing/simpleguesser.cxx
>>> Compiling: lingucomponent/source/spellcheck/spell/sreg.cxx
>>> Compiling: lingucomponent/source/spellcheck/spell/sspellimp.cxx
>>> /usr/local/bin/xsltproc --nonet --stringparam uri \
>>> Compiling: lingucomponent/source/thesaurus/libnth/nthesimp.cxx
>>> 'vnd.sun.star.expand:$LO_LIB_DIR/libhyphenlo.so' -o
>>> ../../../../unxfbsd.pro/misc/hyphen.component \
>>> /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> hyphen.component
>>> /usr/local/bin/xsltproc --nonet --stringparam uri \
>>> 'vnd.sun.star.expand:$LO_LIB_DIR/libguesslanglo.so' -o
>>> ../../unxfbsd.pro/misc/guesslang.component \
>>> /usr/local/bin/xsltproc --nonet --stringparam uri \
>>> 'vnd.sun.star.expand:$LO_LIB_DIR/libspelllo.so' -o
>>> ../../../unxfbsd.pro/misc/spell.component \
>>> /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> spell.component
>>> /usr/local/bin/xsltproc --nonet --stringparam uri \
>>> 'vnd.sun.star.expand:$LO_LIB_DIR/liblnthlo.so' -o
>>> ../../../unxfbsd.pro/misc/lnth.component \
>>> /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> guesslang.component
>>> /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> lnth.component
>>> Making: guesslang.lib
>>> Making: libguesslanglo.so
>>> Making: hyphen_lib.lib
>>> Making: libhyphenlo.so
>>> Making: spell.lib
>>> Making: libspelllo.so
>>> Making: lnth.lib
>>> Making: liblnthlo.so
>>> lingucomponent deliver
>>> Module 'lingucomponent' delivered successfully. 12 files copied, 2
>>> files unchanged
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Oh dear - something failed during the build - sorry !
>>> For more help with debugging build errors, please see the section in:
>>> http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development
>>> internal build errors:
>>> ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making
>>> /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making
>>> /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> it seems you are using a threaded build, which means that the
>>> actual compile error is probably hidden far above, and could be
>>> inside any of these other modules:
>>> vcl
>>> please re-run build inside each one to isolate the problem.
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> /usr/local/bin/bash
>>> cd /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> source ./Env.Host.sh
>>> cd odk
>>> rm -Rf
>>> /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> # optional module 'clean'
>>> build
>>> when the problem is isolated and fixed exit and re-run 'make' from the
>>> top-level
>>> gmake[1]: *** [build] Fehler 1
>>> gmake[1]: Leaving directory
>>> `/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-'
>>> gmake: *** [source-env-and-recurse] Fehler 2
>>> *** Error code 1
>>> Stop in /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice.
>>> *** Error code 1
>>> Stop in /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice.
>>> ===>>> make failed for editors/libreoffice
>>> ===>>> Aborting update
>>> ===>>> Update for editors/libreoffice failed
>>> ===>>> Aborting update
>>> Terminated
>>> ===>>> You can restart from the point of failure with this command line:
>>> portmaster <flags> editors/libreoffice editors/libreoffice-i18n
>>> editors/libreoffice-en_GB german/libreoffice
>>> Am 21.07.12 05:12, schrieb Robert Backhaus:
>>> > On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 6:44 AM, Joerg Surmann
>>> > <joerg_surm...@snafu.de> wrote:
>>> >> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256
>>> >>
>>> >> Hi,
>>> >>
>>> >> update libreoffice faild. internal build errors.
>>> >>
>>> >> ERROR: error 65280 ocurred while making
>>> >> /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> it seems that the error is inside 'vlc' , please re-run buld
>>> >> inside this module to isolate the error and/or test your fix
>>> >>
>>> >> Any suggestions??
>>> >>
>>> >> Thanks Suri
>>> >>
>>> > Yes, this is my problem too. Are you using the KDE option? All
>>> > build errors listed below. Seems it isn't pulling in some needed Qt
>>> > libraries.
>>> > gmake -r
>>> >
>>> > /home/obj/ports/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> [ WARN ] !!!
>>> > [ WARN ] !!! vcl/source/salmain/salmain is linked in by
>>> > Library/libvcllo.so StaticLibrary/libvclmain.a [ WARN ] !!! [
>>> > build CXX ] vcl/unx/kde4/KDEData
>>> > R=/home/obj/ports/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work &&
>>> > S=$R/libreoffice-core- && O=$S/solver/unxfbsd.pro &&
>>> > W=$S/workdir/unxfbsd.pro && mkdir -p $W/CxxObject/vcl/unx/kde4/
>>> > $W/Dep/CxxObject/vcl/unx/kde4/ && /usr/bin/clang++ -DCPPU_ENV=gcc3
>>> > -DGXX_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/c++/4.2 -DNDEBUG -DOPTIMIZE
>>> > -Wall -Wendif-labels -Wextra -fmessage-length=0 -fno-common -pipe
>>> > -fPIC -Wsign-promo -Woverloaded-virtual -Wno-non-virtual-dtor
>>> > -Wno-unused-parameter -fno-strict-aliasing -std=gnu++0x
>>> > -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-deprecated -DEXCEPTIONS_ON
>>> > -fexceptions -O2 -c $S/vcl/unx/kde4/KDEData.cxx -o
>>> > $W/CxxObject/vcl/unx/kde4/KDEData.o -MMD -MT
>>> > $W/CxxObject/vcl/unx/kde4/KDEData.o -MP -MF
>>> > $W/Dep/CxxObject/vcl/unx/kde4/KDEData.d -I$S/vcl/unx/kde4/
>>> > -I$O/inc/stl -I$O/inc/external -I$O/inc -I$S/solenv/inc/unxfbsd
>>> > -I$S/solenv/inc -I$S/res -I/usr/local/include -I$S/vcl/inc
>>> > -I$S/solenv/inc -I$O/inc -I$W/CustomTarget/vcl/unx/kde4
>>> > -DQT_SHARED -I/usr/local/include/qt4
>>> > -I/usr/local/include/qt4/QtCore -DQT_SHARED
>>> > -I/usr/local/include/qt4 -I/usr/local/include/qt4/QtGui
>>> > -I/usr/local/include/qt4/QtCore -I/usr/local/kde4/include
>>> > -I$O/inc/udkapi In file included from
>>> >
>>> > /home/obj/ports/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> In file included from
>>> >
>>> > /home/obj/ports/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> /usr/local/include/qsocketnotifier.h:46:16: error: variable has
>>> > incomplete type 'class Q_EXPORT' class Q_EXPORT QSocketNotifier :
>>> > public QObject ^ /usr/local/include/qsocketnotifier.h:46:7: note:
>>> > forward declaration of 'Q_EXPORT' class Q_EXPORT QSocketNotifier :
>>> > public QObject ^ /usr/local/include/qsocketnotifier.h:46:32: error:
>>> > expected ';' after top level declarator class Q_EXPORT
>>> > QSocketNotifier : public QObject ^ ;
>>> > /usr/local/include/qsocketnotifier.h:46:34: error: expected
>>> > unqualified-id class Q_EXPORT QSocketNotifier : public QObject ^
>>> > /usr/local/include/qsocketnotifier.h:80:12: error: expected a class
>>> > or namespace inline int QSocketNotifier::socket() const ^ In file
>>> > included from
>>> >
>>> > /home/obj/ports/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> In file included from
>>> >
>>> > /home/obj/ports/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> /usr/local/include/qtimer.h:82:13: error: use of undeclared identifier
>>> > 'QTimer'; did you mean 'Timer'? inline bool QTimer::isActive()
>>> > const ^~~~~~ Timer
>>> >
>>> > /home/obj/ports/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> note: 'Timer' declared here
>>> > class Timer; ^ In file included from
>>> >
>>> > /home/obj/ports/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> In file included from
>>> >
>>> > /home/obj/ports/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> /usr/local/include/qtimer.h:82:13: error: incomplete type 'Timer'
>>> > named in nested name specifier inline bool QTimer::isActive()
>>> > const ^~~~~~~~
>>> >
>>> > /home/obj/ports/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> note: forward declaration of 'Timer'
>>> > class Timer; ^ In file included from
>>> >
>>> > /home/obj/ports/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> /home/obj/ports/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> > error: unknown type name 'VCLKDEApplication' VCLKDEApplication*
>>> > m_pApplication; ^
>>> >
>>> > /home/obj/ports/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> error: unknown type name 'QSocketNotifier'
>>> > QSocketNotifier* notifier; ^
>>> >
>>> > /home/obj/ports/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> error: unknown type name 'QTimer'; did you mean 'Timer'?
>>> > QTimer timeoutTimer; ^~~~~~ Timer
>>> >
>>> > /home/obj/ports/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> note: 'Timer' declared here
>>> > class Timer; ^ In file included from
>>> >
>>> > /home/obj/ports/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> /home/obj/ports/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> > error: field has incomplete type 'Timer' QTimer timeoutTimer; ^
>>> >
>>> > /home/obj/ports/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> note: forward declaration of 'Timer'
>>> > class Timer; ^ In file included from
>>> >
>>> > /home/obj/ports/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> /home/obj/ports/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> > error: unknown type name 'QTimer'; did you mean 'Timer'? QTimer
>>> > userEventTimer; ^~~~~~ Timer
>>> >
>>> > /home/obj/ports/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> note: 'Timer' declared here
>>> > class Timer; ^ In file included from
>>> >
>>> > /home/obj/ports/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> /home/obj/ports/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> > error: field has incomplete type 'Timer' QTimer userEventTimer; ^
>>> >
>>> > /home/obj/ports/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
>>> note: forward declaration of 'Timer'
>>> > class Timer; ^ 12 errors generated. gmake: ***
>>> >
>>> > [/home/obj/ports/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-]
>>> Error 1
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> freebsd-ports@freebsd.org mailing list
>>> http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-ports
>>> To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-ports-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"
>> Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (FreeBSD)
>> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/
>> 1haTmeDsvkDGOXGmDb6CxT9NUnOXe8N60fMKV2z8ieQoJ4X/V64jjGSxofwfJFRN
>> YCOrLFhyvlm3w3LNZrwGLGfV38r3/sDHSBtQ/DWYiKegEomYhtgOidjjPE29S42f
>> hxEBIlVIwMsM5dZx/nA4qyHEqBPxpM5oCLUgRzqm7NaejvSFlOSHfg1XxMan4UYe
>> iacQn/2xdcpjffKGqLPCKsrOHFmgVWU6W94suc7L7tOeB2cOw30Ehrd5Bf5qV0JY
>> uSwMcQvXaBs1WdUGLkc+a0KyE40DCMbDcLD6VbK27+eZB4gjSKIMrQAaxrc5cncj
>> XkgyeGcjlaswnod4OH/Vse8N0a+OL1ko+3UEOYlxnUHB5yyUOvrz4ay39ogL7bWs
>> BBut3VOt74YQWPTlWm6Ugw+0kBvKwwYjF2PR2PZa/D5er8+vazBseXpVvtq9SGTs
>> zCB3+OM+AnzgPhbsRyxw
>> =/YU7
>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
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