On 07/30/2012 14:18, Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
> I did portmaster -o devel/pkgconf devel/pkg-config
> as advised. Now doing "portmaster --check-depends"
> returns 235 ports with
> "missing dependency: devel/pkg-config".
> I thought the "-o" portmaster option is specifically
> to update the dependencies list. Am I wrong?
> Or is this not possible in this particular case?

It certainly should have worked, yes. Are you using the latest
portmaster? And can you tgz and send me your /var/db/pkg directory?

> Anyway, I presume this is a benign warning, and
> none of my 235 ports need to be rebuid, right?

'portmaster -y --check-depends' is the right answer here. The run
dependency on pkg-config has always been bogus, it's just that we're
only now working on fixing it.


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