From Tue Jul 31 15:36:34 2012

        >       And can you tgz and send me your /var/db/pkg directory?

        You can't mix both pkgng and pkg_install, and looking at your 
/var/db/pkg, =
        have mixed it for a while and you now have both the pkgng version and 
        pkg_install version half migrated to pkgconf and inconsistent.

        As I don't the the manipulation you have exactly done, and the exact 
state =
        your system, it is hard for me to tell you how to recover.

        In any case this as nothing to do with portmaster.
        if you decide to fully go the pkgng way what I do suggest is:

        remove all the directories from /var/db/pkg (keeping only the 
local.sqlite =
        then run=20

        echo "delete from deps where origin=3D'devel/pkg-config'; update deps 
set o=
        rigin=3D'devel/pkgconf', name=3D'pkgconf', version=3D'0.8.4' where 
        =3D'devel/pkg-config';" | pkg shell

        I tested with your database this seems to work.

        after that you can upgrade safely everything.

        Remember, do not mix pkg_install and pkgng, if you decide to go pkgng 
this =
        is a
        one shot migration.

I'll look at this later, but..

I've *never* once used pkg_install,
not even before pkgng. I switched
to pkgng quite early, and since
then I used exclusively pkg and
portmaster, nothing else.
So pkg_install must've been called
by either pkg or portmaster.

One possibility is that I didn't always
apply the pkgng portmaster patch correctly.

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