On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 03:26:43PM +0200, Jeremie Le Hen wrote:
> Hi Baptise,
> On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 09:43:13PM +0200, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
> > 
> > Since 1.0-rc6 release, everything looks ready for a final release of 1.0, 
> > I'll
> > give more details on the release commit bit :) this is planned for 30th 
> > august
> > 2012.
> > 
> > Current was supposed to switch to pkgng by default today, it has been 
> > delayed
> > until the nvidia-driver is fixed with pkgng. Thanksfully kwm@ and danfe@ has
> > been working on this, and the situation should be fixed pretty soon.
> > 
> > Please continue testing pkgng and reporting bugs, if you are new comers do 
> > not
> > hesitate to ask question about pkgng so that we can improve documentation:
> > 
> > The usual links about pkgng:
> >   - http://wiki.freebsd.org/pkgng
> >   - http://wiki.freebsd.org/PkgPrimer
> >   - https://github.com/pkgng/pkgng/blob/master/FAQ.md
> >   - http://people.freebsd.org/~bapt/pres-pkgng-bsdcan.pdf
> >   - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Hxq7AHZ27I
> First thank you and all who have worked to make this first release of
> pkgng.  This is a great milestone in FreeBSD history.
> Supposedly, pkgng will stay opt-in for RELENG_9 and will be the default
> (opt-out?) on RELENG_10.  During the upgrade from the old branch to the
> new one, how do we ensure users will perform the required step
> (basically, run pkg2ng) to switch their pkg database to pkgng?  Will it
> be a note in src/UPDATING and as well in the release notes?

Yes there will be a note in UPDATING, I'm also pondering modifying pkg_* tools
to that they show up an advetisement about pkg_install being deprecated.

I would also like to just remove pkg_* tools from RELENG_10 if that fits the


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