System: FreeBSD/i386 10-current, base/head(src)=r244363, ports/head=r309344.

I upgraded to r244363 from an Oct 3rd(ish) version. Followed ports/UPDATING
for pkgng to edit make.conf and convert pkgdb.db.

I'm now trying to update my ports (from tree, not pkgs), and I get:

    # portupgrade -ae
    Stale dependency: ORBit2-2.14.19 --> glib-2.28.8_4 -- manually run
'pkgdb -F' to fix, or specify -O to force.

    # pkgdb -F USING PKGNG pkgdb -F not supported with PKGNG yet. Use 'pkg
check' directly.

    # pkg check -d (also tried pkg check -d -a)

Running portupgrade -ae gives same message as before.

Went to port tree, upgraded glib with 'make deinstall reinstall clean'.
    # pkg info glib glib-2.28.8_5 Some useful routines of C programming
(current stable version)

Run portupgrade -ae...... same message.

Could someone point me in the right direction...

If I'm misunderstanding the man & wiki pages, please explain (I'll even
wear the pointyhat).

Thanks, BG
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