On Thu, 10 Jan 2013 15:31:54 -0700 (MST)
Warren Block wrote:

> On Thu, 10 Jan 2013, Walter Jansen wrote:
> > So sorry, I obviously missed news about Portmaster which I have
> > been using many years to update the installed ports.
> >
> > Is it gone forever? Is there a successor?
> port*manager* is gone, portmaster and portupgrade are still available.

I'm sorry to hear that, it was still working well for me.

Does anyone know what portupgrade is like these days? when I stopped
using it it seemed to be getting a bit flakey.

On the whole I'd rather not use portmaster because the last time I
checked it terminates on the first error rather than when it has no
more it can do. This makes it very inefficient when there are build

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