>Are you saying the handbook instructions for enabling java in Opera do not 
>work, then?

Seems to be so in the case.

>You're doing something wrong, than. Opera 12.12 on my system catches 
>java/icedtea-web I just installed Opera, launched it, and checked the plugin 

I've installed the same vers. of plugin:
icedtea-web-1.3.1   A free Java plug-in and Java Web Start for OpenJDK

And, as it was mentioned above, IcedTeaPlugin.so is caught by FireFox,
SeaMonkey, Chromium and Epiphany even)) except Opera.

List of plugins caught:
Refresh plug-ins
Disable Shockwave Flash
Description: Shockwave Flash 11.2 r202
Architecture: non-native

Disable VLC Multimedia Plugin (compatible Totem 2.32.0)
Description: The Totem 2.32.0 plugin handles video and audio streams.
Architecture: native
/usr/local/lib/npapi/symlinks/opera/libtotem-cone-plugin.soaudio/midi midi,mid

Disable Windows Media Player Plug-in 10 (compatible; Totem)
Description: The Totem 2.32.0 plugin handles video and audio streams.
Architecture: native

Disable DivX® Web Player
Description: DivX Web Player version
Architecture: native
/usr/local/lib/npapi/symlinks/opera/libtotem-mully-plugin.sovideo/divx divx

Disable QuickTime Plug-in 7.6.6
Description: The Totem 2.32.0 plugin handles video and audio streams.
Architecture: native

Disable DjView-4.9
Description: This is the DjView-4.9 version of the DjVu plugin. See DjVuLibre.
Architecture: native
/usr/local/lib/npapi/symlinks/opera/nsdejavu.soimage/x-djvu djvu,djv

Enable Java(TM) Plug-in 1.6.0_38
Description: The next generation Java plug-in for Mozilla browsers.
Architecture: non-native

Enable Adobe Reader 9.5
Description: The Adobe Reader plugin is used to enable viewing of PDF
and FDF files from within the browser.
Architecture: non-native
/usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/nppdf.soapplication/pdf pdf

Disable Adobe Reader 9.5
Description: The Adobe Reader plugin is used to enable viewing of PDF
and FDF files from within the browser.
Architecture: native

Obvious diff. is in arch (i386) and osvers. (9.0-REL-p5), but it would
be strange if it really matters in the case...

May there be such dependence that java/icedtea-web needs to be
installed _strictly_ after browser(s) installation, not before?

2013/1/18 Joseph A. Nagy, Jr <jnagyjr1...@gmail.com>:
> On 01/18/13 09:06, awarecons wrote:
>> As it was mentioned above: since Opera 10.50 it doesn't use Java
>> directly, hence it looks for a special Java plugin file libnpjp2.so
>> and ONLY!
>> The problem is that the file libnpjp2.so residues in
>> linux-sun-jre1[67] only, not in openjdk nor diablo nor jdk16 editions,
>> though available is non-native only.
> Are you saying the handbook instructions for enabling java in Opera do not
> work, then?
>> Cut from opera:plugins (java/linux-sun-jre16):
>> Java(TM) Plug-in 1.6.0_38
>> Description: The next generation Java plug-in for Mozilla browsers.
>> Architecture: non-native
>> /usr/local/lib/npapi/symlinks/opera/libnpjp2.so
>> Of course it fails to start properly and crashes after is called.
>> A try to nspluginwrapper it fails:
>> nspluginwrapper -v -i /usr/local/linux-sun-jre1.6.0/lib/i386/libnpjp2.so
>> *** NSPlugin Viewer *** ERROR: libnpjp2.so: cannot open shared object
>> file: No such file or directory
>> *** NSPlugin Viewer *** ERROR: libnpjp2.so: cannot open shared object
>> file: No such file or directory
>> nspluginwrapper: no appropriate viewer found for libnpjp2.so
>> Opera 12.12 rejects classic plugin file javaplugin-oji.so and
>> IcedTeaPlugin.so (tested).
>> It would be keen to update the Handbook part 7.2.5 Opera of
>> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/desktop-browsers.html,
>> that it doesn't support java/icedtea-web anymore?
>> All the steps from Handbook had been taken, and IcedTeaPlugin.so is
>> caught by FireFox, SeaMonkey, Chromium... but Opera 12.12
> You're doing something wrong, than. Opera 12.12 on my system catches
> java/icedtea-web I just installed Opera, launched it, and checked the plugin
> list[0,1].
>> .
>> Additional Notes from Oracle
>> (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/manual-plugin-install-linux-136395.html):
>> The classic plugin file was located here:
>> <JRE>/plugin/i386/javaplugin-oji.so
>> __This file should no longer be used and all symbolic links to it
>> removed__.
>> Thank you.
> [0]: http://www.joseph-a-nagy-jr.us/images/problems/opera-version.png
> [1]: http://www.joseph-a-nagy-jr.us/images/problems/opera-plugins.png
> --
> Yours in Christ,
> Joseph A Nagy Jr
> "Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, But he who hates correction
> is stupid." -- Proverbs 12:1
> Emails are not formal business letters, whatever businesses may want.
> Original content CopyFree (F) under the OWL http://owl.apotheon.org
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