--On October 21, 2013 7:48:59 AM +0200 John Marino <freebsd.cont...@marino.st> wrote:

On 10/21/2013 00:47, Paul Schmehl wrote:
--On October 20, 2013 9:34:36 AM +0200 John Marino
It is not a mystery what is wrong.
The RUN_DEPENDS is being executed as a shell command, not a make

You're wrong.  The RUN_DEPENDS does not have a shell command embedded in
it anywhere.

When you indent, it executes the command in the shell.  Notice that only
make targets are indented.

I discovered this on my own while working on the port this morning.

That was never correct, and the new bmake makes this much
more obvious.  Secondly, I'm pretty sure you can specify
databases/mysqltcl without having to execute a make command on that

You're pretty sure?  Rather than hard code a version, which would break
the port the moment mysqltcl was updated, I chose to use the existing
port version, which would work no matter what version was current on any
particular box.

Yes, I am sure.  You can tell it that the port is the dependency
regardless of version.  If you absolutely wanted to specify a file, you
can specify a different one that the file name doesn't change.  Yes, you
can a RUN_DEPENDS without that line in ways that are robust.

The dependency is mysqltcl. That port installs two files in ${LOCALBASE}/lib/mysqltcl-${PORTVERSION}/. How do you reference those files without using the portversion?

Thirdly, you use ${MYSQLTCL_VER}, but it's never defined.

Yes, and that is a problem.  I noticed that last night when I was
looking at the port.  Line 46 should read MYSQLTCL_VER=  @${ECHO_CMD}

Again, completely unnecessary.  Specify the *NON-INDENTED* RUN_DEPENDS
in a better way.

It looks like that port has changed, however, because it no longer
appends the version number to the name of the port, so I can probably
drop that entirely.  I won't know until I test it.

Apparently line 46 was intended to define it but does not.  Lastly, if
you were to use a shell command (which I highly discourage), it should
be something like this (not indented, and definitely not hardcoded to
MYSQLT_VER!=  cd ${.CURDIR}/../../databases/mysqltcl && ${MAKE} -V

What do you suggest it be hardcoded to?  ${PORTSDIR} can be set to
anything on an individual system.  Using your construction forces it to
be in /usr/ports.  Although that's the default, it's by no means
guaranteed that the ports tree will exist there on any given system.
That's why we use macros in Makefiles - to avoid forcing users to stick
to the default structure.

I just showed you.  Replace ${PORTSDIR} with ${.CURDIR}/../../
I know you haven't believed a thing I've said so far, but using
${PORTSDIR} can break the build in specific configurations.  And yes,
we've been replacing it with .CURDIR in other ports.

When I work on my ports I create a new directory ${PORTNAME}-update. Then I svn the port into that directory, which creates a subdirectory named ${PORTNAME}. With ${.CURDIR}../../../ the build will not descend to /usr/ports but to /usr/ports/security and the build will break. I fail to see how that can be correct. If I build ports anywhere other than the default location, the build will break.

Is this information documented somewhere? And how do I overcome this obvious problem?

So that's like 4 or 5 errors right off the bat, problems that were
always present.  I suspect the legacy make simply didn't define
RUN_DEPENDS and continued building, so mysqltcl was never specified in
the package.

Because MYSQLTCL_VER is never defined, I think the RUN_DEPENDS should
fail. It didn't.  I can't explain why.  (I've slept since I last worked
on that port.)  I can assure you I tested the port with the option
enabled and it built and ran fine.

So you state previously that it *HAD* to be defined for RUN_DEPENDS to
work, and now state that it wasn't defined but RUN_DEPENDS did work?
Doubtful and easily verifiable.  Find an old platform where it "worked"
and type "make -V RUN_DEPENDS" and see if mysqltcl is in the list.  I
believe it simply wasn't defined which didn't prevent this build from
building (it was indented, remember?).  I think the error was masked
with the previous version of make.

But I doubt seriously that has anything to do with the error that the OP
reported.  It's probably related to the change to bmake, which I will
have to investigate, if I have to continue to define the port version
for mysqltcl.  It looks like I might not have to any more.

I'll also have to update the port to use the new STAGE syntax, so this
will take a little while.

In the future, I would appreciate it if you adopt a less smug attitude
about somebody else's work.  Or take over the port if you think you're
so much better.  There's three sguil ports.  You're welcome to take over
maintainership if you think you're God's gift to port building.

I guess you still feel this way after what I just wrote?
What did I do, beside help one of the port's users get going and point
out the problems with it and telling the user to write a PR?

There are multiple ways to point out problems. One way is to point to the problem and say, "Look - you screwed up here." That's your way, and I can assure you it doesn't lend to a sense of cooperation and learning.

You know, you could have just said, "Thank you" as I've spent a
considerable time on this topic when nobody else did.

Yes, and you could have been a lot more pleasant. Don't forget, port maintainers are volunteers. I spend my personal time working on these problems, and the thanks I get from you is, hey, you screwed this up, you screwed that up, in fact, I can see five or six problems just from a brief look at your port instead of here's what the problem is, and here's a way to fix it.

It's not an attitude that makes me want to get to work on fixing the problems.

Paul Schmehl, Senior Infosec Analyst
As if it wasn't already obvious, my opinions
are my own and not those of my employer.
"It is as useless to argue with those who have
renounced the use of reason as to administer
medication to the dead." Thomas Jefferson
"There are some ideas so wrong that only a very
intelligent person could believe in them." George Orwell

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