El día Thursday, February 06, 2014 a las 03:55:57PM +0100, Christopher J. Ruwe 

> > > I think anybody who compiles from ports should _really_ use
> > > poudriere. I even think it should be strongly suggested in the
> > > handbook. (I'd be willing to write that up for that matter.)
> > 
> > Please point me to the existing documentation. I don't see the string
> > "poudriere" in our handbook. 
> > 
> > Thx
> > 
> >     matthias
> > 
> I wrote "it should be suggested", which means that I think it would be
> a good idea, not that it already happened.
> I do not understand how that could be misunderstood.

I have not misunderstood it. I only asked for any other existing
documentation and that I do not even see the word/string in our handbook 
(which is ofc not your fault and which you want to improve).


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