This makes no sense.  Ports are not tied to base releases.
And you think lack of developer resources is an invalid reason?

There was no mid-release issue with base as far as I know.  The issue was
with ports and by extension pkgng (and related -ngs).

You know good and well that people kick the can down the road FOREVER.
You could have announced it 3 years ahead and people would still scream
NOT YET!  NOT YET!  This would NEVER happen in Linux!

The announcement
was dated Feb 3 2014, leaving all of 7 months until the planned
deprecation.  Even if you could make a case that pkgng was ready (it
wasn't) 7 months is far less than the 2 calendar year and dozens of
person-year cycles required by some infrastructure-critical production
environments.  It's even farther from the 7+ years that other FOSS
distributions support their releases.

It's a business, right?  You aren't talking about a shoestring hobby.

There's no need to shoot the messenger here.  I may be expressing an
opinion but it is one that is shared by all of my colleagues: developers,
administrators and managers alike.

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