I've never met bapt, who implemented pkg, or bdrewery, but from
what I can see, implementing pkg was not a short-term project for them.

Short-term perspective != short-term project considering they're both
relative to the ecosystem.

It was the only way out from the technical burden of the old scheme,
they saw the problem, and went to solve it.

Perhaps we're not talking about the same thing here.  Most of us fully
support pkgng, it's devs and goals.  We can't say this loud enough:
Thanks Baptist!  Thanks Brian!  Thanks everyone who contributed!  This
is, however, tangental from discussions of how to implement change
control for the greatest good and least pain.  Such project management is
critical IMO for the future viability of FreeBSD, its end-users and
businesses that use it.

From another perspective it is a bit of a chicken and egg issue
considering that devs by nature, myself included, enjoy new features and
new code more than fixing bugs or long-term planning.  Bugs aside I think
we all would much rather be writing code or tweaking systems used by 100s
of thousands rather than simply thousands.  The point I'm trying to make

 A) a larger FreeBSD end-users is worth the effort, and

 B) the way to get there, IMO, is with fewer upgrade hassles and better
 end-user APIs

MO perhaps but based on real world decisions at real world companies.

And it's a bit strange to disparage such a person with a snide remark
like 'short-term perspective'. It's always easy to argue from the

Definetly not on the sideline having spent the better part of 30 years
years working with Unix and 21 with FreeBSD.  For the sake of open
discussion regarding substantive issues, however, I beg you take back or
better substantiate such grossly unfair and inaccurate characterizations.

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