Hi guys, I'm using the ports-mgmt/synth package builder to build my packages. I just tried to build all of the packages for PHP7 from the new ports and came across an issue. If I set php=7.0 in DEFAULT_VERSIONS in the LiveSystem-make.conf (make.conf) then Synth bails out and refuses to build the repository. It does this:

Scanning entire ports tree.
progress: 5.93%
culprit: comms/atslog
Scan aborted because dependency could not be located.
databases/php70-mysql (required dependency of comms/atslog) does not exist.

It looks like it scans the port tree, come across a port that has USE_PHP=mysql in it and then bails because the port databases/php70-mysql does not exist. Obviously because mysql was removed from PHP7 in favour of mysqli.

Is this a problem with the ports infrastructure or should I just not declare php=7.0 in the DEFAULT_VERSIONS? If I do this then it builds fine, but I guess that might cause other issues elsewhere.

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