Julian Elischer wrote on 10/01/2016 04:35:
Hi ports people.

It seems to me that there has been an explosion in ports dependencies
Things that used to need a few dependencies are now pulling in things
one would never imagine.
We just had to add the openjdk7 port to something and the number of
dependencies is at 120 and rising still.
(mostly due to an *undocumented* dependency on a cups include file).

I needed to add glib2 and I got over 20 dependencies. (and then it
failed to compile).

12 ports I've been adding to my systems for years have now resulted in
135 unexpected ports being built.
Some issues I've noted:

There is a need for a "minimum" install of a lot of packages.

Such a 'minimum' install should probably be the default when coming in
as a dependency, as
there is an increasing tendency to configure things with all the bells
and whistles.

anyone have any thought as to 1/ why the recent explosion, and 2/ what
to do about it?

Yes I have similar experience with last version of VirtualBox. We are using VirtualBox for a long time in headless mode.
We have following unset in poudriers make.conf

VirtualBox was always built without GUI but new version has new option QT5 and this pulls many tens of unwanted dependency libraries.

I don't understand why it pull anything for GUI if X11 is unset.

I found that even QT5 radio box must be unset which is really unintuitive for me:

│ │ [ ] X11             X11 (graphics) support
│ │────────────────── GUI (Graphical User Interface) support
│ │ ( ) QT4             Build with QT4 Frontend
│ │+(*) QT5             Build with QT5 Frontend

Radios are normally used for "choose one of them" especially in case one is preselected.

So usually trivial update costs me a lot of time to solve this.

Miroslav Lachman
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