On Thu, 8 Dec 2016, Daniil Berendeev wrote:

5) svn repository.
I don't want to spark a holy war and I don't belong to those type of
people who are always obsessed that something isn't done in their way.
But guys, svn is not a good tool for ports. Just for one reason,
actually (as for me, I could tolerate anything else, but not this one)
-- size. The size of repository is 20G+ and growing. I don't want to
pull 20G+ in /usr/ports just because I need to use ports. It's just
sick. The repository is so big because, as all ya know, svn is expensive
in branch operations. Since you've began to do those 2xxxQx branches the
size of the repository began to grow rapidly. It's inefficient and
uncomfortable. For such a work something like git or mercurial should be
used, they'd fit in 3-4G.

Here, it doesn't look like that. Don't forget that /usr/ports/distfiles accumulates old versions and must be manually cleaned out from time to time. portmaster has a couple of options to remove distfiles that are not needed.

% du -hd0 /usr/ports
8.1G    /usr/ports
% du -hd0 /usr/ports/distfiles
6.5G    /usr/ports/distfiles

After copying that to /tmp and deleting distfiles entirely:

% du -hd0 /tmp/usr/ports
1.4G    /tmp/usr/ports

Deleting /usr/ports/distfiles entirely is something I avoid because it seems that just when an urgent rebuild is needed, a distfile will be unfetchable. The portmaster options can keep distfiles only for currently installed ports, or current distfiles for any port, whether installed or not.
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