On 02/09/17 16:44, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
> Why don't add some check in to "pkg" to deny (or warn user) upgrade or
> install on unsupported / EOLed system?
> Just check version on current system against some metadata info in
> repository.

Actually the metadata should be in the package, rather than the
repository.  We need to record the OS version the package was compiled
under at the point the package is created, and then pkg(8) can compare
that to the OS version at install time.  This will work not just for the
FreeBSD pkg repos, but for packages built for private repos too.  And it
will still work, even if you grab a bunch of packages from somewhere
else and make your own repo from them.

Even so, pkg(8) should not refuse to install the newer package on the
older system; just emit a big fat warning that what you're doing is
dangerous, and may lead you into regret and grief.  (Unix has a
tradition of not stopping users from doing stupid things, because that
also makes it possible to do amazingly clever things...)

This is complicated by such things as 'NO_ARCH' packages -- your pure
perl/ruby/python code is still going to work almost regardless of the OS
version.  As will all sorts of type fonts or collections of desktop
icons and so forth.

Plus this will need to be carefully debugged when packages are
cross-compiled or compiled in jails on a host system with a different
kernel version.



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