> On 9 Feb 2017, at 5:53 PM, Steve Wills <swi...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> What would enforcement look like? Something like "Sorry, you can't pkg
> update because this system isn't supported any more."? But how would
> that be possible without also breaking things for those who build/ship
> their own OS and packages?

Let me try another way:

Since pkg has feature macros for building correctly on different
FreeBSD versions, namely 10.0, 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3, the way to
provide binaries without missing symbols is to build pkg with a
fixed set of feature macros for 10.0.

I've done this for projects to retain upgrade paths.  It's not
hard.  It doesn't violate a policy or promise FreeBSD makes, does

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