On Sun, 10 Dec 2017 22:33:25 +0100
Stefan Esser <s...@freebsd.org> wrote:

> Am 10.12.17 um 18:47 schrieb Matthieu Volat:
> > They do... but only if you commit and push something (even if it's only
> > a personnal clone). If you just keep the changes on your computer, there's
> > nothing.  
> The GitHub master version has changes, that are not yet in any release.

As someone involved in some projects, I do understand the differences between 
working trees and releases, this was specifically about helping developpement 
by being more communicative about it.

There's nothing in the commit tree 
(<https://github.com/freebsd/portmaster/commits/master>) nor the networkd 
(<https://github.com/freebsd/portmaster/network>) as of now regarding this 
issue. I don't know for others, but this has led me to invest some time not 
knowing this was duplicate work.

> This is irrelevant as long as FLAVOR support is missing in portmaster,
> since there is no version that fully supports flavors, right now.

Please understand I am not asking for a working release, I'm asking for a more 
transparent developpement process that would allow other people to more easily 
follow, familiarize themselves with and help in portmaster development...

> > As much as I am defiant of github on certain aspects, I've found in quite
> > some occasion the discussion/comment system around pull requests quite 
> > nice.  
> I'm working in FLAVOR support and I have a version that correctly builds
> the Python ports, that have been converted.
> But I'm currently trying to understand, where the information that the
> ports is to be re-installed, gets lost. Debugging shell scripts is a lot
> of work, since you cannot single step through them. Portmaster does call
> itself recursively, which further complicates understanding and tracing
> the execution. (Besides, portmaster is a main program of 4300+ lines with
> functions sprinkled throughout the code. I have a local version, which
> breaks this large main program in named subroutines, which makes it much
> easier to understand the logic flow, but hides the actual changes when
> creating diffs. I have backported the FLAVOR changes to a portmaster
> version without those subroutines, to get the minimal functional patch,
> but now I'm fighting with the install vs. upgrade distinction being lost.)

You can however set the execution trace argument to produce a full log. I was 
under the impression that when encountering package@flavor, splitting was 
needed in a few places to match the port directory and then simply add 
-DFLAVOR=value to the MAKEFLAGS.

> I can send you the current version in private mail (I do not want to spam
> the mail-list with a 120k+ shell script).

This is exactly why I thought a WIP branch or something of the like would be 
useful, unless you want to proceed alone without any feedback. But then again, 
I posted my own (naive) approach at the issue and it did not seems to provoke 
any feedback, so maybe I was a bit too much hopeful.

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