David Wolfskill wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 01:28:46PM -0700, Mark Millard via freebsd-ports 
> wrote:
>> I'm unclear on why devel/llvm80 depends on graphics ports, but
>> after 'svnlite update -r507241 /usr/ports' (not having updated
>> in some time), my poudriere bulk run reported:
>> [00:23:50] [26] [00:10:36] Finished graphics/py-imagesize@py27 | 
>> py27-imagesize-1.1.0: Failed: fetch
>> [00:23:50] [26] [00:10:36] Skipping devel/llvm80 | llvm80-8.0.1: Dependent 
>> port graphics/py-imagesize@py27 | py27-imagesize-1.1.0 failed
>> [00:23:50] [26] [00:10:36] Skipping textproc/py-recommonmark@py27 | 
>> py27-recommonmark-0.5.0_1: Dependent port graphics/py-imagesize@py27 | 
>> py27-imagesize-1.1.0 failed
>> [00:23:50] [26] [00:10:36] Skipping textproc/py-sphinx@py27 | 
>> py27-sphinx-1.6.5_2,1: Dependent port graphics/py-imagesize@py27 | 
>> py27-imagesize-1.1.0 failed
>> [00:23:50] [26] [00:10:36] Skipping devel/xtoolchain-llvm80 | 
>> xtoolchain-llvm80-0.1: Dependent port graphics/py-imagesize@py27 | 
>> py27-imagesize-1.1.0 failed
>> ....
> Well, for me, I see:
> g1-49(11.3-S)[491] make -C /usr/ports/devel/llvm80 all-depends-list | grep -i 
> imagesize
> /common/ports/graphics/py-imagesize
> g1-49(11.3-S)[492] 
> ... so, yeah, it seems to be required.
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documentation. DOCS is set by default.

Charlie Li
…nope, still don't have an exit line.

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