On Thu, 1 Apr 2021 09:35:11 +0200, Kurt Jaeger <p...@freebsd.org> wrote:

> Hi!
> > > The repo moved/is moving to git, so svn is no longer updated.  
> > I did not catch any notice about the move. I know it was planned,
> > but not announcing actual move is... not that nice.  
> The announcement was this post, although it was maybe a bit terse
> on the exact date:
> https://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-ports/2021-March/120566.html

OK, but one more mail 'HEADSUP: Move to git just started, see $URL' sent
here yesterday would make everything much better visible.

Don't take this as critique, move to git is surely big move, and,
judging from src transition to git and its outcome, allows for better
tooling as well.

As an old fart, I am against changing tools just for the sake of
change, and being not involved in the process directly, I am just
waiting for the end. Only then I start to evaluate new state... I think
there are many like me here.

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