----- Original Message -----
> Thanks for the quick reply, Steve.
> I suspect that since they were about to modify my laptop's win2k install
> so that it started showing up in DNS, that there must be something doable
> on the client-side alone, if only I knew what that was.
> I have since rebooted to win2k to look at the configuration panel that was
> changed to get the fix.  It is the "advanced" popup under the DNS tab in
> TCP/IP properties (gosh why can't people just use directories).
> The suffix list used to be empty, and unchecked, and now it is
> populated and checked, as previously described.  Secondly, I have
> noticed a checkbox at the bottom of this panel of the form "use suffix
> in registration" which might have also been checked during the fix.
> While win2k was up, I was able to ping the laptop.  Then I rebooted to
> FreeBSD (getting the same IP addr from DHCP) and pinged again and my DNS
> entry had disappeared, no ping.  Though pings by raw IP addr work fine.

There are a couple palces in your /etc directory you may want to look.

For example, the settings you indicate they added are usually stored in the
/etc/resolv.conf file.  Make sure you have the proper domain specified
there.  Also make sure your fully-qualified domain name includes the
appropriate domain, and the same name as the Win2k side of your machine.


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