OK, here is /etc/resolv.conf:
search celera.com ad.celera.com rkv.ad.celera.com rkv.celera.com applera.com pe-c.com 
ssf.ad.celera.com fc.celera.com

The search line there appears to be the result of adding a supercede
line to the dhclient.conf, which is as follows:
interface "ep0" {
   supersede domain-name "celera.com ad.celera.com rkv.ad.celera.com rkv.celera.com 
applera.com pe-c.com ssf.ad.celera.com fc.celera.com";
   request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, time-offset, routers,
        domain-name, domain-name-servers, host-name;

The above contents are just a total guess based on what the
Win-support person seemed to be doing.

I visited the win2k side again, to check my name list and so forth,
and did 
CMD> ipconfig /all
The primary name is lipperra-p1, and the connection specific one is

I am not sure if that is reflected in my resolv.conf or my dhclient.conf.

Finally, on the boot back to FreeBSD, I ran a ping from my desktop machine
and watched the disappearance from DNS:
 cglwadministrator@LIPPERRA-W1 ~
 $ ping lipperra-p1.rkv.ad.celera.com
 Pinging lipperra-p1.rkv.ad.celera.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
 Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
 Request timed out.
 Request timed out.
 Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=64
 Request timed out.
 cglwadministrator@LIPPERRA-W1 ~
 $ ping lipperra-p1.rkv.ad.celera.com
 Bad IP address lipperra-p1.rkv.ad.celera.com.

which may be of interest because it shows the DNS entry being persistent
right up until just after FreeBSD's dhclient starts, and then the DNS
entry disappears.


>From: "David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: MS Dynamic DNS problems
>Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 08:11:59 -0700
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>----- Original Message -----
>> Thanks for the quick reply, Steve.
>> I suspect that since they were about to modify my laptop's win2k install
>> so that it started showing up in DNS, that there must be something doable
>> on the client-side alone, if only I knew what that was.
>> I have since rebooted to win2k to look at the configuration panel that was
>> changed to get the fix.  It is the "advanced" popup under the DNS tab in
>> TCP/IP properties (gosh why can't people just use directories).
>> The suffix list used to be empty, and unchecked, and now it is
>> populated and checked, as previously described.  Secondly, I have
>> noticed a checkbox at the bottom of this panel of the form "use suffix
>> in registration" which might have also been checked during the fix.
>> While win2k was up, I was able to ping the laptop.  Then I rebooted to
>> FreeBSD (getting the same IP addr from DHCP) and pinged again and my DNS
>> entry had disappeared, no ping.  Though pings by raw IP addr work fine.
>There are a couple palces in your /etc directory you may want to look.
>For example, the settings you indicate they added are usually stored in the
>/etc/resolv.conf file.  Make sure you have the proper domain specified
>there.  Also make sure your fully-qualified domain name includes the
>appropriate domain, and the same name as the Win2k side of your machine.

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