"no screens found" is X's way of saying "i couldn't start up any of the
configurations you told me to try." you need to configure
/etc/X11/XF86Config. look in the handbook (freebsd.org/doc/handbook/)
and read the sections on configuring X.


>> (07.21.2002 @ 1748 PST): T.J. said, in 1.9K: <<
>    I am installing 4.6 FreeBSD and after it was installed I logged in as
>    root and I could not startx, it errored out saying no screens found
>    and kdelibs had a problem. I reinstalled and I still get the same. If
>    you have any ideas or have seen this before shoot me an e-mail and let
>    me know, in the mean time I will be trying to correct this. I am not a
>    newbie, I am used to Solaris 8 and Red Hat and I wanted to try FreeBSD
>    out because I liked the ports idea. Let me know.
>    Thanks,
>    Tony D
>> end of "installing 4.6 issue" from T.J. <<

"Oh good, my dog found the chainsaw."
        -Lilo, "Lilo & Stitch"
Adam Weinberger

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