On Fri, 2002-09-20 at 20:30, Edwin Groothuis wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 21, 2002 at 01:22:32AM +0100, Stacey Roberts wrote:
> > After cvsup'ing my ports tree tonight. I get this from pkg_version -v:
> > pspell-0.12.2_1                     ?   orphaned: textproc/pspell
> > 
> > Checking this port, I see:
> > # pkg_info -R pspell-0.12.2_1
> > Information for pspell-0.12.2_1:
> > 
> > Required by:
> > etherape-0.8.2_2
> > evolution-1.0.8
> > 
> > # 
> > 
> > Now I use the above two apps regularly, so I'm weary of proceeding until
> > I find out the position with pspell-0.12.2_1, so could someone in the
> > know please fill me in? I've search ports, commit & questions mailing
> > lists with nothing being returned for pspell-0.12.2_1, so I'm at a loss
> > as to what do with this port (against those other ports requiring it).
> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/ports/textproc/pspell/Attic/
> tells you:
>     Delete textproc/pspell.  It's API has been consumed by
>     textproc/aspell.  All users of pspell should start using aspell
>     immediately.
> I just hope that all the dependencies have been updated too.

They have.  I waited quite a long time before removing pspell. 
Everything should work.  In a commit message from a week or so ago, I
mentioned that in order to update to aspell correctly you need to first
remove pspell, then install aspell.  If you have them both installed
already, then remove pspell, and do a portupgrade -f aspell.


> Edwin
> -- 
> Edwin Groothuis      |            Personal website: http://www.MavEtJu.org
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |    Weblog: http://www.mavetju.org/weblog/weblog.php 
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