Petri Riihikallio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > > "sync" is pretty much useless, it doesn't buy you anything.
 > > Particularly, it won't mark your filesystems clean (so fsck
 > > will still have to run on the next boot), and it does not
 > > guarantee that there's no unwritten data left in memory.
 > Yes, this I found out by testing. Still many shutdown scripts include
 > "sync ; sync ; sync" as a mantra.

That should not have any effect.  At least on FreeBSD.

Maybe people are used to the sync command if they come
from Linux, where it might be more important because of
the fragile filesystems (ext2 async by default).

 > 'man rc' says just: "The scripts within each directory are executed 
 > in lexicographical order." I know the source IS the doc, but it is so 
 > slow way to find something, when you don't know what your looking for.

The manpage seems to be a bit lacking in that case.
The scripts are indeed executed in _reverse_ lexico-
graphical order during shutdown (which makes sense,
I think).

Another important thing which is not clearly documented
(as far as I know) is the fact that the scripts will NOT
be executed when you use halt(8) or reboot(8).  They
will only be executed when you use shutdown(8) (without
the -o option) or init(8), or when sending a signal to
the running instance of init(8) to bring down the system.

 > > umount -f -A
 > > mount -u -o ro /
 > > mount -o ro /usr
 > OK. Any need for 'mount -f -u -o ro /' ? (The -f forces the switch to 
 > ro even if files are open for writing)

Yes indeed.  I suggest the following:

mount -u -o ro / || mount -f -u -o ro /

So it will first try to re-mount it normally, and only if
that fails, retry it "the hard way".

 > Is there any reason to signal the system daemon processes (syslog, 
 > sshd, adjkrntz & co)?

Good question.  They will be killed anyway during shutdown.
On the other hand, some daemons might want to do some
clean-up work which requires writing someting somewhere,
so it's probably a good idea to give them a chance to do
that.  This is what init does when terminating multi-user
operation.  Something like this:

trap "" 15
kill -TERM -1
sleep 10        # give them some time to finish cleaning up

There is no need to send a SIGKILL (-9) afterwards, because
the processes will die anyway, later in the game.  And since
it is not possible to trap SIGKILL, they cannot bind any
clean-up actions to that signal anyway.

 > The Linux scripts do this with killall5. It sends a signal to all 
 > processes except the processes in its own  session, so  it  won't 
 > kill the shell that is running the script it was called from.

If you put the above at the end of /etc/rc.shutdown, the
"trap" command will protect the shell.  The parent of the
shell is init(8) itself, which is never affected by a kill
of -1, as well as processes which are marked as "system"
processes (e.g. swapper, pagedaemon, vinum).

 > > That's documented in /usr/src/sbin/init/init.c.
 > :-] "The source IS the doc"
 > I studied /usr/src/sys/kern/kern_shutdown.c but I couldn't find where 
 > the scripts were called. It is init calling the scripts and then 
 > calling kern_shutdown.

To be more exact:

When init(8) receives a shutdown signal, it runs the
/etc/rc.shutdown script, which in turn executes all the
local start/stop scripts as explained above.  When the
scripts are done (I think up to a maximum of 120 seconds),
init kills all processes -- first with SIGTERM, and if
there are still some left after some time, with SIGKILL.
Afterwards, init(8) either enters single-user mode or
gives control to the reboot(2) system call, depending on
which signal it got in the first place.  At this point,
it does not care anymore if any reluctant processes are
still left, because they will never be scheduled again,
because the kernel will never return from the reboot(2)
system call.  It finally syncs and unmounts all remaining
file systems and brings the hardware down.


Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co KG, Oettingenstr. 2, 80538 München
Any opinions expressed in this message may be personal to the author
and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of secnetix in any way.

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