Thank you for your thoughts.

>I haven't actually done this, so take my advice with a grain of salt.
>I think that the biggest hurdle will be making sure that your filesystems
>are cleanly unmounted.  I would *think* that:
>   umount -af
>   sync; sync; sync
>   umount -fr /
>should unmount everything except / , which it would remount as read-only.

Yes, something like that should be done.

There are still all the system daemons (sshd, postfix, named..) 
started from rc that are still running. Should I try to notify them 
first? How will they react when disks change to read-only?

Here is a snippet of SuSe Linux halt script for apcupsd:

># Write to wtmp file before unmounting /var
>$command -w
>echo "Sending all processes the TERM signal..."
>killall5 -15
>if [ "$1" = "fast" ]; then
>       sleep 1
>       sleep 5
>echo "Sending all processes the KILL signal..."
>killall5 -9
>echo "Turning off swap."
>sync ; sync
>swapoff -a
>echo "Unmounting file systems"
>umount -av
># See if this is a powerfail situation.
>if [ -f @PWRFAILDIR@/powerfail ]; then
>   echo "APCUPSD attempting to shutoff UPS power"
>   echo
>   @sysconfdir@/apccontrol killpower
>   echo

I believe somebody (more competent than I) has written the necessary 
script for FreeBSD.

Metis / Petri Riihikallio
GSM: +358 400 505 939

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