Sunday, September 29, 2002, 12:06:16 AM, you wrote:

DZ> Hello all.

DZ> I looked at the lists and this (unfortunately) looked to be the most
DZ> relevant list to post to. If there is a more focused list (for networking,
DZ> say), please direct me to it. Thanks!

I think you are on the right list.

DZ> Otherwise....

DZ> I've been googling all over trying to find out what the status of dhclient
DZ> means and coming up with nothing.

DZ> My setup is a little bit weird: I have a FreeBSD machine currently serving
DZ> happily. It is also configured to act as a basic firewall so my laptop can
DZ> access the Internet. Usually, I just use static settings on my laptop to
DZ> communicate between the server and the laptop. I just recently got the DHCP
DZ> server going, and all is well. Laptop (Mac OS9.2.2, Open Transport 2.7.9)
DZ> works A-OK, discover, offer, request, acknowledge are all great...

Did you install net/isc-dhcp3/?

DZ> Currently, I am trying to install (using FTP) FreeBSD on a *different*
DZ> machine, one that should communicate just like my laptop, but I get nothing.
DZ> Sysinstall DHCP server-scan times out and I get the regular network
DZ> configuration screen.

During the installation you get a option to setup one (more can be a

DZ> If I enter my data in as best I can (what is the host/domain supposed to be?
DZ> I'm using since that's what the frontline FreeBSD box is
DZ> serving, but the new backline machine doesn't have an hostname or anything.
DZ> I expect that the frontline doesn't know how to address the backline? Can I
DZ> use an IP, namely what I want the backline machine to be? I tried that and
DZ> still no go) I have this:

The host/domain name doesn't matter. You are free to choice any
host/domain name for you intranet.


DZ> Host:
DZ> Domain:
DZ> IPv4 Gateway:      // IP of frontline machine ie. Router
DZ> Name Server:  // the one I always use
DZ> IPv4 Address:      // IP I want this machine to be on local network
DZ> Netmask:          // Class A type network
DZ> No extra ifconfig options...

You got these values by clicking DHCP rigth?


DZ> During DHCP try I get this:

DZ> Notify: Scanning for DHCP servers...
DZ> Executing command 'dhclient -1 fxp0'     //fxp0 -> ethernet device address
DZ> Command 'dhclient -1 fxp0' returns status of 2

DZ> To note, the frontline box (dhcpd) does not display any DHCP-related
DZ> messages during this attempt.

Try killing dhcpd on the server and starting it in the foreground with
debug options. 'dhcpd -d' you may need other flag, check 'man dhcpd'
for these.

DZ> After I try to configure it manually (with above settings) I get this:

DZ> Wrote out /etc/resolv.conf
DZ> Wrote out /etc/hosts
DZ> Init routine called for network device fxp0
DZ> ifconfig fxp0 inet netmask
DZ> Executing command 'ifconfig fxp0 inet netmask'
DZ> Command 'ifconfig fxp0 inet netmask' returns status of 0

DZ> // I assume that's good

DZ> Adding default route to
DZ> Executing command 'route -n add default'
DZ> add net default
DZ> Command 'route -n add default' returns status of 0

DZ> // I assume that's also good

You wan't to check the /etc/rc.conf file afther the installation. If
you find something like xxx_fxp0="DHCP" all is ok.

DZ> Network initialized successfully.      // Yay!
DZ> hostname = ''           // The FTP server I chose
DZ> dir = '/'
DZ> port # = '21'
DZ> Notify: Looking up host
DZ> Starting DNS.
DZ> Looking up hostname,, using getaddrinfo(AI_NUMERICHOST).
DZ> Looking up hostname,, using getaddrinfo().

DZ> And then it just sits there. After I hit the OK, the ethernet's LEDs flash a
DZ> couple times and then nothing. It doesn't timeout, it doesn't stop. It seems
DZ> like my Name Server is not responding, but I've never had a problem with
DZ> that one before.

You are behind a NAT server right? Then you have to use the passive
FTP mode. Normal mode doesn't work.

DZ> I think I will soon take the box to work and jack into a real network, where
DZ> I know I have a host name and everything, but I still like to know if anyone
DZ> has any ideas, for future reference.

DZ> Terribly sorry about the length. Thought I should give you as much info as I
DZ> could.

Its better to put in a little to much then a little to less.

DZ> Thanks in advance for any advice/info you might be able to offer.

If you arn't able to install it with DHCP, try giving it a static IP
adres. You can change it later to DHCP.

Best regards,

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