On Fri, 4 Oct 2002, the wise Oliver Fromme spoke, and said:

> Marco Beishuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > That did the trick. I wrote a file to the cd and fixate worked correctly.
>  > At least I think it did, because when I want to mount the cd to look at
>  > it, mount gives me an "invalid argument" error.
>  >
>  > So my new problem is how to access a cd-rw with data on it.
> What kind of file did you write to the CD?  Of course, it
> has to be an image of a supported filesystem (usually an
> ISO9660 image), otherwise you wouldn't be able to mount it.
> You can only mount filesystems.
> To create an ISO9660 filesystem image, use mkisofs (from
> the ports collection).  Afterwards, use burncd to write
> that image to a CD-R or CD-RW.
> You can, of course, write an arbitrary file (a .tar file or
> whatever) to a CD, but then you can't mount it.  You can
> read it back with dd, though.
> Regards
>    Oliver

Yes, I wrote an arbitrary file to the cd. A .pdf file actually. I already
thought the mount error had something to do with a missing filesystem or
something like that.

I want to use the cd-writer to make periodic backups of important files.
The easiest thing to do would be to just "copy" the files with burncd,
like I did with the .pdf file. But it looks that I have to do a bit more
than that to use the cd-writer as a backup medium.

I think I have to learn more about mkisofs and creating images etc. :-)


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