On Friday 04 October 2002 04:49 pm, Marco Beishuizen wrote:
| On Fri, 4 Oct 2002, the wise Oliver Fromme spoke, and said:
| > Marco Beishuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| >  > That did the trick. I wrote a file to the cd and fixate worked
| >  > correctly. At least I think it did, because when I want to mount
| >  > the cd to look at it, mount gives me an "invalid argument"
| >  > error.
| >  >
| >  > So my new problem is how to access a cd-rw with data on it.
| >
| > What kind of file did you write to the CD?  Of course, it
| > has to be an image of a supported filesystem (usually an
| > ISO9660 image), otherwise you wouldn't be able to mount it.
| > You can only mount filesystems.
| >
| > To create an ISO9660 filesystem image, use mkisofs (from
| > the ports collection).  Afterwards, use burncd to write
| > that image to a CD-R or CD-RW.
| >
| > You can, of course, write an arbitrary file (a .tar file or
| > whatever) to a CD, but then you can't mount it.  You can
| > read it back with dd, though.
| >
| > Regards
| >    Oliver
| Yes, I wrote an arbitrary file to the cd. A .pdf file actually. I
| already thought the mount error had something to do with a missing
| filesystem or something like that.
| I want to use the cd-writer to make periodic backups of important
| files. The easiest thing to do would be to just "copy" the files with
| burncd, like I did with the .pdf file. But it looks that I have to do
| a bit more than that to use the cd-writer as a backup medium.
| I think I have to learn more about mkisofs and creating images etc.
| :-)
| Marco

If you want to back up with burncd, I suggest using "cdbackup" which is 
a program I wrote.  If I can get some feedback on it I'll try to make 
it into a proper port.

For now, it is self-contained; just type "cdbackup" when you get it and 
put it where you want it to live and it should "install itself."  Use 
the -h option for help.

Let me know if you have any questions.

And if others want to try it out, let me know.

It's 70K, so I'm going to send it just to Marco (and any others who 
request it), not to the entire list.

It support incremental backups; it does not support appending to an open 
CD, though I could consider adding that in the future, I suppose.  In 
my case my problem is that I have far more files than there is a spaced 
on a CD, rather than vice-versa, so that's the problem it's mainly 
meant to solve.

Brian, the man from Babble-On . . . .   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (personal)

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